Chapter 28

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Rory worked on her notes for a few hours before she caught herself yawning. When she started reading the same notation four times in a row and having no idea what it said, she decided it was time to get to bed. It had been a long few days, and she was exhausted. Logan hadn't returned to the suite yet, so she left a few lights on for him as she made her way to the bedroom. Moments after she curled up on her side in the big, down covered bed, she was asleep.

Rory woke to Logan climbing into bed with her. He laid next to her, his bare chest to her back and wrapped an arm around her waist. He attempted to be quiet, but she shifted anyway. "What time is it?" she mumbled.

"Sorry, it's late, like one am. I got held up. Hugo had some concerns about the next debate and wouldn't stop talking," Logan explained.

"Yeah, he always gets a little nutty before big events," Rory said yawning.

"Everything is fine. He needs to relax or he will have a heart attack on election night. We aren't the ones making history. We're just reporting it," Logan said as he brushed the hair from her face. "Go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you. The whole time he was babbling, I just wanted to be right here," he said as he kissed her neck.

Rory tilted her head back and towards the pillow giving him more access to her neck. Her hand came over and linked with his at her waist. She pulled him tighter around her. "I was trying to wait up for you. I like going to bed with you."

Still on his side, Logan unlinked their hands and gently pulled her shoulder down so that she was on her back. He touched his lips very softly to hers. "I want you in my bed every night," he said as he deepened the kiss. Their tongues met and her arms went around him. She tangled one hand in his hair. She ran her other hand from his neck to his lower back.

He shifted slightly so he was propped on one arm with his hand under her head. With his other hand, he began to slowly explore her body. She was wearing only a t-shirt which he disposed of quickly. With just his fingertips, he gently trailed his fingers from her neck down the side of her rib cage. His fingers continued to graze past her hip bone to her outer thigh. Then he ran his fingers slowly back up her body causing her to shiver. With each pass up and down her body, he would move the path slightly inward toward the center of her body. Soon his fingertips were trailing over her breast, pausing briefly to circle her nipple. His feather light touch made her sigh. When his fingertips made it down to her hip, she shifted in an attempt to make him touch her. Logan continued his slow torment until he finally brushed over her center. He gently stroked her inner thighs as she gasped and moaned.

Rory squirmed and tried to guide his hand. "Please touch me," she said against his mouth as he was kissing her again.

Logan's hand was trailing down her body again. This time it was moving slowly down the exact center. His fingertips passed between her breasts and continued down the flat of her stomach. When she felt him making his way between her hips, she arched her lower body upwards.

When he finally made the contact she had been craving, he found her hot and very wet. He groaned as he began to slowly stroke her. Her breathing became rapid and she started to move her hips in time with his fingers. "Slow, baby, slow," he said nibbling on her ear and taking the lobe between his teeth. He slowly slid a finger in her and heard her gasp. Her hips began to pivot upwards again. Logan felt her getting close. He slowly withdrew his finger. She looked at him with pleading eyes. Logan moved from his side to on top of her and said, "I want to feel you come this way, feel you with me inside you."

He very slowly, inch by inch, sank into her. They both sighed when he filled her. Then he began to move very slowly. He propped himself on his elbows and took her face between his hands. "I love you, Rory."

Later Logan laid on his back with Rory half on his chest. He lightly stroked her back and whispered, "Please accept this job and sign the contract. We are so good together. I want you to be with me always."

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