Chapter 50

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The wedding and reception were both at held at 620 Loft & Garden.  Rory and Logan sat with their friends in the arranged chairs on the outdoor patio.  The patio of 620 Loft & Garden was well known for their outdoor space.  It was tented with a huge white tent dripping with tulle and lace.  The sides were open so guests could see all the shrubbery decorated for the holidays.  Huge heaters kept guests nice and warm in the December chill.  It appeared Lorelai's olfactory system was malfunctioning as not a flake had fallen.  

Rory sat between Logan and Peggy.  The groom's side of the wedding party had just assembled at the front of the aisle.  Three men were stationed between large potted junipers decorated with white lights and large white poinsettias.  Rory and Peggy only recognized Ethan.  Rory asked Logan if he knew who the other two men were.

"From what I understand, they are Ethan's best friends, Evan and Edward.  I think they grew up together and even went to college together.  Now they all work together.  The three E's,"  he said. 

"Oh my," said Rory.

The mothers of the bride and groom were seated next.  Then music played as Juliet, a bridesmaid, began her walk down the aisle.  She looked stunning in a white and silver gown.  Next came the maid of honor.  Peggy asked who she was.

"That is Rosemary's sister, Sage," Rory answered.

"Rosemary and Sage?"  Peggy hissed back.  "Are you serious?"

"It gets better," Steph said leaning across Finn to whisper to Rory and Peggy.  "Their mother's name is Ginger.  She thought it would be fun to keep up the herbal tradition."

"Oh wow,"  Rory said laughing.  "I didn't know that."

The ceremony was short, but beautiful.  The bride and groom retreated down the aisle with their bridal party following.  They climbed into several covered carriages to ride to Central Park for pictures.  As all the guest watched them ride away, the first snowflakes began to fall.

"I don't know how she does it!  My mother is never wrong!"  Rory said as she walked with Logan toward the elevators that would take them upstairs to the ballroom for the reception.  "Oh! Hey, I didn't know your parents were going to be here,"  Rory said as she looked around and spotting Mitchum and Shira speaking to another couple.

"Yeah, I forgot.  Dad and Rosemary's dad graduated Yale together.  They aren't really close anymore though.  I think this was an obligation type thing on both the invitating and accepting parts.  And you know Shira.  This is a society wedding in the city. She had to come to show off."

Once in the ballroom, everyone was drawn immediately to the walls of windows.  With the lightly falling snow, the view was incredible.  They could see the giant tree all lit up and gathering snow on its branches.  Far below, they could see ice skaters moving around.  It seemed like they were on the outside of a snow-globe looking in.  Everyone just stood transfixed on the sight.

"Wow, Rosemary may have picked a dud to marry, but she sure chose an amazing place to do it," Robert said. 

"He's not that bad, Robert.  And it really is pretty," Steph said with her arm around Colin's waist.  "Rosemary said they rented the carriages all night.  Maybe we can go for a ride later?" she said looking up at Colin.

"Oooh really?  I want to go too, Finn!"  Peggy said.

"Of course, my lady.  I say we find the bar and our seats first before the newly espoused make their entrance,"  Finn said.

"Great, you guys are all paired up.  I'm not riding alone.  Juliet is supposed to be my date. She better come join our group.  Hopefully she doesn't fall for one of the E's during all these pictures," Robert said.

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