Chapter 51

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Back in the reception hall, Rory looked at the girls and said, "I need a drink before we rehash all this for the guys."

The girls led her to the bar chattering the whole way.  Peggy handed her a martini and said, "A toast to my new hero!  Damn girl!  I never would have thought you had it in you."

"Rory, that was incredible.  I'll bet Shira is still sitting there stunned!" Steph said.

Juliet laughed, "Actually, she just walked out.  She looked like she needed a drink too.  But she saw us over here and immediately turned around. She scared a waiter into bringing her something.  She is sitting with Mrs. Johansson now," Juliet said.

"Oh God.  I feel sick.  But I feel great at the same time,"  Rory said putting a hand to her stomach.

"Geez, did one of you fall in?  What took so long?"  Robert said as he and Finn and Logan walked up to them.

"You ok, Love?  Have too much wine with dinner?  You're looking a little peaked,"  Finn asked looking at Rory.

"That is the look of a warrior after battle," Steph giggled.

"Who were you battling with?" Logan asked.

"Umm...well...your mom," Rory said.  Then she quickly explained what happened in the bathroom.  Peggy, Juliet, and Steph interjected with their versions of the story and direct quotes as well.

"Wow, Rory.  I am impressed," Robert said. "You put the evil queen in her place."

Colin and Finn bowed at her. "I can't believe I missed it," Finn said.

"What the... What is wrong with her?  Where is she?  I think I am going to have a little talk with Mommy Dearest,"  Logan said visibly upset.

"No.  Logan, really, it's fine.  Honestly, this was a long time coming.  It was bound to happen sooner or later.  I am actually glad it was now rather than at our wedding.  I am pretty sure she got the message,"  Rory said.

"Oh yeah, she got it," Juliet said.

"Let's go congratulate the bride and groom.  Then let's enjoy the rest of the evening,"  Rory said.  She whispered to Logan, "You still owe me a carriage ride in the snow later." 

Rory let the girls lead her out on the dance floor after they treated her to a couple shots.  Rory was feeling much better.  She felt light and free.  It made her wonder if it was the alcohol or if she should have told off Shira years ago.  She assumed it was a combination of both but didn't overthink it.  Rory was feeling like the warrior Steph described.

Rosemary joined them on the floor in her huge white gown.  They danced until a slow song was played.  As they began to leave the dance floor, all of their dates appeared and led them back.  Rory was in Logan's arms swaying to the music.  He asked her, "Are you ok?  I am so sorry about all that.  I still cannot believe she confronted you in the bathroom like that!"

"Are you kidding?  Aside from hair and makeup repairs, what do you think ladies rooms are for?  It is where we air our grievances,"  Rory laughed.

"Festivus is celebrated in ladies rooms?  Is there a pole?"  Logan asked laughing.

"No pole.  But sometimes there are feats of strength,"  Rory said. "I am stronger than I thought."

"I knew I was missing out on something when you all flock off together. It's obviously pretty intense in there,"  Logan said.  "I'm glad she didn't ruin the night for you."

Rory rested her head on his shoulder, "Logan, I am marrying you regardless of what anyone says.  And it was the truth; this was bound to happen.  Your mother and I may never have a warm and fuzzy mother/daughter-in-law relationship, now but maybe we can learn to tolerate each other. Or, at very least, she will gain some respect or fear of me."

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