The Scent of Flowers

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Florist! Reader X Connor

(Y/N)'s POV

  After two years of studying botany, I finally get to officially become a florist and open a flower shop.

  When I got in there for the first time, it was a beautiful, the walls are beautifully painted with light pastel colours, flowers beautifully arranged according to it's type and colour. The shop is simply beautiful the way I wanted it to be.

  During the first few hours, I enjoyed the sweet scent of flowers while waiting for my first customer to arrive. After a long period of time, I started to get bored of it until I heard the sound of a door opening. It was a guy until I saw his blue LED light then I realized it was an android. He had dark hair, hazel eyes and he's wearing a business suit with a RK800 on it which is his serial number.

Connor's POV

  As I walked into the store, I smelt a strong but sweet scent of flowers. The store looks kinda new maybe the ax400 android may not been here but I'll try my luck.

  When I got closer to the counter, it was a human assistant, it's hard to find human assistants these days from what Hank says when we're in a store one time but she looks pretty she must be young. As I got closer, she greeted. "Hello, how may I help you?" she asked nervously. "I'm looking for an AX400 android, have you seen her?" I interrogated her. "Android? AX400? Sorry, I haven't seen any android here." she answered. I hate to think about it but I want to know more about her, she looks interesting. "Hey, uum, what's your name? I think we should know each other more.." I told her softly, she blushed. "Sure... My name is (Y/N)..." she replied blushing hard.

  "CONNOR!!! what the hell are you doing here!?" Hank shouted loudly. I walked towards him. "Unfortunately, I can't find any information about AX400..." I stated. "Why would an android go to a flower shop anyways?" he mumbled stepping out of the flower store. After a small look at (Y/N), I walked out.

I want to see (Y/N) again..

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