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love like this ashton kutcher

Ashton's POV

"She's gone." I said when mom and dad asked where Tara was the next morning. I got an equally confused look from both of them.

"What on earth do you mean?" Mom asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"She left me." I shrugged. I didn't know what else to do. I sat down at the kitchen table while she gave me a sympathetic look, coming over to me.

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I knew there was something off about her." She kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, sure." Just then, Ryder and Addy came down the stairs, and my daughter had her blanket in hand, rubbing her eyes with the other.

"Hey, pumpkin." I smiled and took her in my arms, putting her on my lap. She leaned into my chest, and I could tell she was still tired. So am I, baby girl.

"Where's mama?" Ryder asked, sitting in the chair across from me. Quickly, I looked to my mother, and she only pressed her lips together in concern. What was I supposed to tell them?

"Um...all I can tell you right now, buddy, is that a lot of things are going to change with us. Alright?" I could tell he wasn't completely satisfied with that answer, but it was going to have to do for now. I didn't even know what I was going to do with myself, let alone my kids.

In the early afternoon, I was watching Addy and Ryder play at the park while I sat on a bench. My parents had gone to the farmer's market, like they did every Sunday since I was fourteen years old. Ryder was trying to push his little sister on the swing, and I smiled at it. When we still lived here, Tara and I would come here and talk about life. Where we were going to college, our home lives, what we wanted in our futures. I told her one night that I wanted her to be my future, and she thought I was crazy. Maybe I was. While I'm still lost in thought, my phone begins to ring.


"Is this a Mr. Ashton Kutcher?"


"Sir...there's been an accident, and I'm sorry to have to tell you this in such an abrupt manner but...your wife, she didn't make it." I swallowed hard.

"Where is the accident?"

"On the bridge. It looked intentional." I blinked furiously, trying to keep from crying. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.


"I-I'm here, I'm here. A-are you telling me that my wife committed suicide?"

"It looks to be that way. No other cars were at the scene, and the only skid marks led to her smashed Subaru." Subaru. We had a Subaru. Still, I shook my head no, and that's when the kids came bounding over to me, asking for ice cream. I held my finger up to silence them.

"I'm sorry. You must have her confused with someone else. My wife isn't...suicidal."

"Sir, the license plate is registered in your name. And, if I'm correct, Tara Kutcher is your wife of fifteen or so years. She was the one in the driver's seat."

That's when I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

love like this - a. kutcher✔️Where stories live. Discover now