Nice to Fucking Meet You.

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   It was a Friday and Bakugou was beyond ready for the weekend.

He wanted to go home and sleep in, not be forced into a small room with annoying little brats.

He was working on a giant ass packet and was ready to bang his head on his desk, not because it was hard, but because the people behind him wouldn't shut their damn mouths.

He was ready to turn around and scream, but the teacher spoke up.

"Bakugou, the counselor would like to see you."

He let out a sigh, as he grabbed his things.

He heard small whispers, one's such as;

'I wonder what he did this time.'

'His lame ass probably got into a fight.'

'Let's hope he gets expelled.'

He was almost to the door when one asshole in particular decided to whisper loud enough to make sure Bakugou heard.


He looked over at the brown haired guy who was leaning on the back legs of his chair, probably trying to look cool.

Bakugou didn't think twice before grabbing the back of the chair and pulling it so so he and the chair fell backwards.


Before anyone could say anything he stormed out of the classroom and down to the counselors office.

When he arrived he opened the door and stepped in.

"You wanted to see me?"

The counselor looked up at him with his tired eyes.

His name was Aizawa Shouta, once a fantastic police officer now a high school counselor.

"Take a seat."

Bakugou grunted as he stepped in more and plopped onto the chair.

"What is it?"

"You wish to attend UA, correct?"

"You already know the answer." Bakugou grunted out.

Aizawa pulled out a small envelope and handed it to him. "In order to help you get noticed by them, i'm giving you an assignment."

Bakugou looked down at the envelope. "What is it?"

"I spoke with some people and managed to convince them to allow you to create a page in the local newspaper. Your story will be about tomorrow night's volleyball game."

"What does this have anything to do with photography?"

"You're required to have atleast one photo that makes the article stand out, and you have to write in the eye of a true photographer. All your requirements are listed inside the envelope."

Bakugou nodded along as he spoke.

"You think this will work? Like boost my chances?"

"It's worth a shot."

The bell rang to signal lunch and Aizawa stood up.

"You can resume through your day, I already purchased your ticket and it's in there along with the other papers."

Bakugou stood up and headed for the door. He mumbled out a quiet "Thanks." Before pushing himself into the sea of people.

He shoved his earphones into his ears as he made his way to the rooftop to escape the loud chattering of students.

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