Part 7-

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Louis gasped as we got closer to Liam's bed, all five of us were staring over him and whoever was beside him. He fluttered his eyes open, I smirked nudging Paul, "and people think i'm the bad one." I felt a punch to the crotch and I stumbled backwards falling on my butt groaning. "Shut up Harry, I can hear you."  Louis looked from me and pointed laughing back to Liam. "Who is she?" 

"That's the stripper?!" Niall asked, loud enough for the entire floor to hear. She picked her head off the pillow looking around at all of us pushing some loose strands behind her ear. She rubbed her eyes stretching her arms out, and a loud porn-star moan escaped her mouth causing everyone in the room to stare at her. "Holy hell! She's a porn star!" Zayn blurted out, making everyone laugh, except Paul and the girl. "I should go.." she said slipping from under the covers pulling her shirt down and adjusting Liam's boxers. "You don't have too," Liam said. 

"Liam, could I have a word with you in the hallway please?" Paul said, staring at her. They left and she stood in the middle of the room looking around awkwardly, "soo you're a stripper?" I blurted out, earning a punch in the shoulder from Louis. "You can't just ask people if they're strippers! Damn it Haz." He turned back to her, "sorry about that." She giggled shaking her head, "it's fine. Yeah I am. Unfortunately." I shot my hand out towards her, "i'm Harry by the way." 

"I'm Kier-Ashley." She swallowed hard, "Kier-Ashley?" I raised my brows, she shut her eyes pressing her lips together. "It's a long story, anyways nice to meet you." She turned towards Louis, Niall, and Zayn as they all introduced themselves,  I grinned, "so, how old are you?" she averted her gaze and stood up rising a smidge shorter then I was, taller then Niall shorter then me. "Uhm, eighteen.." she stalled. I narrowed my eyes, "you sure about that?" I asked, she blushed. "Course, yeah. I'm eight teen," she sighed, "and I should be going, you guys are probably busy today.." she said pulling the sweatpants over the boxers adjusting the bottom of the shirt.

"When did you even get here?" Niall asked, "four-ish.." she shrugged. I smirked, "Liam went to get you?" I asked, she nodded biting her bottom lip, "was that off limits?" she asked. I shrugged, "you sure did get him in a lot of trouble," Niall hissed. I spun around glaring at him, "what's your deal anyways?" he asked glaring at her, "you using him for your fifteen minutes of fame, right?" Niall said sarcastically. 

"Excuse me? I didn't even know who he was until he said something, so for you even to say anything like that is totally-" Niall cut her off, "you probably have his number posted online and you are probably saying things about him, you're probably just like every other girl." 

"Every other girl?" She snapped, Niall rolled his eyes swallowing hard, "oh come on, who doesn't know who One Direction is, honestly." She glared at him, "me! And you know what, you-" Niall cut her off talking a step closer and she got in his face, "you- you're an asshole!" Niall laughed, "and you think I care what you say?" My jaw dropped, Niall was never rude to anyone, ever. 

"Please explain to me why i'm like every other girl?!" She raised her voice, "since i'm only out for one thing, right?" she added folding her arms over her chest. "Why don't you go on your little twitter and post some lies about him, about us, about how i'm such an asshole." 

"I don't have a twitter you asshole, if you took the time to listen to me you'd realize that i'm not like every other girl, I know Liam! I dated him for two god-damn years! I didn't ask to come back here! Liam brought me here, Liam texted me, Liam asked me for my phone number! So if I was out for one thing why the hell would I be standing here arguing to you over something so irrelevant!?" I watched as the brims of her dark mysterious clouded themselves with tears threatening to spill over and she wiped her eyes. 

Niall opened his mouth to speak and Zayn clamped his mouth over it staring at him, "Niall what has gotten into you?!" Zayn asked and I looked at the girl trying her hardest not to cry, she looked to me and a single tear ran down her cheek, "tell Liam I said thank you, and tell him not to text me.. Thanks.." She jogged out of the room running as fast as she could leaving the door open. I turned to Niall flicking him upside the head. 

"What the hell was that?!" I said shoving him, Niall shoved me back, "I just don't think she's a good person.." he growled. I smacked him again, "so? You can't do that to people, what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you make her cry?" I raised my voice, "I didn't mean too!" Niall raised his voice in response to me. "No shit but serio-" Liam appeared in the doorway storming inside looking at all of us. 

"What the hell did you guys do to her?!" 

Falling In Love With A Stripper. (Slowly editing.)Where stories live. Discover now