Give me a break

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It was six in the morning when Taehyung's alarm started rezoning in the dark room

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It was six in the morning when Taehyung's alarm started rezoning in the dark room. Undoubtedly, the annoying buzz was the living nightmare of every student. Some would throw their clock on the ground while some other would curse at their phone, groaning in annoyance for having to wake up this early.

Much to Taehyung's dismay, he only had to blink twice as his thumb lethargically swiped on the screen of his phone, turning off the classical music expressionlessly. Unlike other students, Taehyung didn't have to go through the hell of waking up because he didn't even blink an eye since he got into his bed 8 hours ago.

The day Taehyung sat foot into 'universityhood', he lost count of the sleepless nights he spent as he waited impatiently for Gymnopédie to start playing so he could get up, leaving a two-sized bed that brought him nothing but heart-aching loneliness and uncomfortable warmth. Each night, he had to fight off those two thoughts as he pettily drowned his petite figure in the spacious mattress, swallowing him like a dark hole.

Sticking to his usual morning routine and sweater —red being his choice of colour today—, Taehyung grabbed an apple from the dining table while ignoring on his way out the keys that laid there. It was part of his routine too, recalling some parts of his life that made his face fall even further. Since his last birthday, he threw his step-mum's gift and never looked back nor out, where the luxurious car was parked.

Yes, Taehyung owned a car, and yes, he had so many designer clothes and expensive colognes that he couldn't remember their label or the last time he saw them. Possibly in the suitcase on the top of his closet, which he had never used either. In fact, Taehyung was rich, filthily wealthy, but he was never one to bring it up let alone brag about it. Unlike rich boys his age, he hated that his parents poured so much money on him, drowning him in gold while he always felt akin to steel, not strong per se, just pretty much cheap, and of so little insignificance. Hence, here he was living on his own in a small house and commuting by bus daily. His bed was the only gift he ended up not getting rid of, too lazy to buy a smaller one. Throwing his backpack on his shoulder and closing the door after him, Taehyung sighed noticing the shiny black car in front of house. A man in his thirties, tucked in a navy blue suit and a matching tie, hurried to him and bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, Sir."

Taehyung pouted crossing his arms which earned him a chuckle from the fit man.

"Namjoon stop calling me sir!" He snapped with an impressed face, "We're friends, remember? Unless I've been unaware that I'm in a one-sided friendship."

The said man chuckled slightly and opened the car's door, stepping aside for the boy to enter.

"Whatever you say Tae. You know I adore teasing you."

Taehyung smiled lightly and snatched the car keys from him.

"I know you're here to drive me," he noted with tight lips, "I disapprove. You will drive with me." He added triumphantly as he run to the opposite side of the car.

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