Falling asleep or in love?

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It was in the middle of the night when Taehyung was sleeplessly resting on his bad that everything hit me

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It was in the middle of the night when Taehyung was sleeplessly resting on his bad that everything hit me.

"I almost made out with the person I jerked off to." Taehyung said in a gasp and hid his face in the pillow, holding himself back from screaming in embarrassment.

His mind was clouded with Jungkook's face, Jungkook's voice, and Jungkook's touch. He unlocked his phone, the cat wallpaper shining with a 3 am in the middle of the screen. He let out a sigh of desperation and massaging his face in distress.

"No sleep for tonight too."

He brought his backpack that laid beside his bed into his lap and searched for his sketchbook. Suddenly, his hand brushed over a thick piece of paper. He unfolded it questionably, numbers flooding the whiteness of the paper in black. He wondered who would leave their number in his belongings to mess up with him and couldn't think of anyone but Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Better find out sooner who's who so I'll have their number blocked before they reach me." He thought with a shrug while dialing the number.

Taehyung was low-key certain that nobody in their right mind wouldn't have their phone on airplane mode or on silent at night, let alone pick up the call at this hour. Surprisingly, the call went through after two beeps. A husky voice echoed from the speakers made him suck a breath in at and regret his life choices.


"Hi." Taehyung replied softly as if he didn't just wake up someone at dawn.

"Um... Hey?"

"Yes, hello."

Taehyung heard shuffles and rustling probably from the sheets the person was laying under.

"You can't be serious," the person groaned with a huff, annoyance lacing his tone, "Are you calling this late just to say hello?"

The voice proved his assumption wrong and Taehyung was instantly filled with guilt for disturbing the stranger. Someone was really messing with him by dropping this poor boy's phone number in his backpack. Then, what was he waiting for to hang up? His actions reminded him of his younger self, being so selfishly desperate to have company even if it was at the expense of someone else's sleep, that someone else being Namjoon, of course.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to hang up right away."

"Wait, how come you have my number?"

"Someone must've dropped the note in the wrong backpack because I found it there. I really didn't mean to bother you."

The boy chuckled lightly and hummed in understanding confusing the latter.

"Taehyung, is that you?"

Taehyung gripped his phone tighter with a frown and held the sheets closer to him.

"How do you know my name?"

"You said it twice when we first met. How could I forget it?"

Realisation hit Taehyung like a slap to the face, the teasing tone bathing him in sudden warmth as his cheeks turned pink.



Taehyung bit back a smile and pushed the backpack back to the ground.

"I couldn't recognise you."

"I can see that." Jungkook responded with a chuckle.

"Your voice—It's deep."

The conversation went silent, their breaths were the only audible sounds.

"Yeah, I just woke up, you know." He explained breathily.

Taehyung could imagine the bashful expression that would carry such a tone. Being the natural quiet person he was, Taehyung lost his thread of thoughts, nervousness eating up his words.

"So, why are still up until now? Seeking inspiration?"

Taehyung's body relaxed at the break of silence. Jungkook was obviously trying to release the tension in the air.

"No, I'm just not sleepy."

The other hummed again, wondering, and and let out a brusk 'ah', as if he found out what he was looking for.

"Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"

Taehyung blinked at the suggestion and smiled with a shake of head at the other's silliness.

"I would love to but I doubt it would help."

Taehyung could tell the atmosphere went back to a level of tensity he'd rather avoid. He decided to change topics for both their sake but Jungkook was quicker to stick to the same conversation.

"You haven't slept much these days, have you?"

Jungkook's voice was so soft and soothing that Taehyung felt himself leaning back into the pillow and melting into his bed. He shut his eyes enjoying the darkness and the reverbs of the latter's voice in his ear.

"The longest I slept in months was at your house yesterday."

"You know what?" Jungkook suddenly exclaimed with a high voice.


"Last week, I went to a very nice park, so few people but so many beautiful sceneries. I thought maybe we should go there together sometimes?"

Taehyung almost chocked on his breath, the word 'date' stuck in his throat making him replace his squeal with a cough.

"Yeah, if t-that's what you want."

"No," Jungkook said sternly taking Taehyung by surprise, "I already know what I want. I'm asking you if you want to."

Jungkook was really something. He was so attentive and careful with every word he said and every move he made. He never underestimated nor overlooked such tiny details that relieved Taehyung's heart and reassured his anxious mind.

"I want to," Taehyung affirmed, digging his face deeper into the pillow, "I'm on it, Jungkookie." He let out in a muffled voice.


Jungkook's giggle made him acknowledge his slip of tongue, the nickname making Jungkook's heart flutter and Taehyung groan in embarrassment.

"Stop teasing me." Taehyung yawned into the pillow, the breathy giggles adding more beats to his unsteady heart.

"Jungkookie is at your service," he said cheekily which gained a couple of laughter from Taehyung. "Anyways, you know what I like most about that park?"

"Um?" Taehyung uttered slowly, his eyelids growing heavy.

"It feels like home," Jungkook whispered, deepening Taehyung's drowsiness, "When the sun is out, everything glows and sparkles. When it rains, there would always be a shelter. Trees are so tall that they could embrace you. Cats and dogs have raised their babies there. Families bring their kids to play together. Whenever I go there, I never feel lonely despite being alone. I would feed the kittens and puppies and play hide and seek with the kids. It may sound childish but it makes me feel alive. Being young at heart and leaving adulthood responsibilities and societal rules makes me feel alive."

Jungkook breathed out, reliving the nostalgic memories and wishing Taehyung was part of them. His thoughts were interrupted by the peacefulness in the other side of the phone.


Jungkook's whisper was met with soft snores amid the silence. He sighed in relief and smiled widely imagining the sleeping boy's pretty face.

"Sleep tight, angel." He whispered before ending the call and falling back to sleep, a shy 'Jungkookie' playing in his ears like a lullaby.

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