Are you sure about this?

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Jungkook stood before the cakes section and stared at the display absentmindedly

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Jungkook stood before the cakes section and stared at the display absentmindedly. The moment he sat foot into the store, he couldn't stop smiling as his mind chanted 'Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung" non-stop. He still couldn't believe Taehyung was finally his, not officially per se, but he will take his sweet time for that. After all, Taehyung wasn't going anywhere, not under his watch. The raven boy was too immersed in his thoughts until a loud screech made him jolt, his gaze falling on his reflection on the display's glass. His smile fell and his heart leaped at the harsh noise, mind racing one hundred thoughts a second. With wobbling feet, he dragged himself to the store's exit to take a look outside. Jungkook's breath instantly hitched, vision going blurry with tears that already met his pale cheeks, flowing down to his clenched jaw.

Taehyung's frail body was on the ground, a red car passing by him, racing down the street, and vanishing into the distance. Jungkook run to the collapsed figure and fell down on his knees sobbing out loud.


Jungkook feared the sight of a closed-eyes Taehyung but he was met with shocked expression, mouth wide open and eyes staring into nothing. Taehyung held himself up weakly and turned to Jungkook who was looking at him with terrified eyes. The boy was clenching his hand into a fist, almost tearing the cloth of his sweat-soaked shirt and breathing heavily. Taehyung shook the latter worryingly but he only earned more breathless sobs in return.

"Jungkook, I'm alright." Taehyung reassured in a soft voice trying to break Jungkook's thoughts.

Jungkook flinched at the arms around him as the latter brought him into a tight hug and gently caressed his shaking head.

"Jungkookie, I'm right here," Taehyung asked tenderly while kissing Jungkook's hair, "I'm not gone. I'm by your side."

Jungkook shook his head violently, sweat flowing with his tears. He felt so hot and his chest burned and it was so hard to focus elsewhere when he was unable to let air flow in without choking on it. Taehyung's heart ached. He would never thought the tough boy who came at his rescue and breaking down in his arms, and it hurt more knowing he was the reason behind it.

"Please—l-leav—d-don't... n-no—d-die—" Jungkook stuttered out before breaking into more sobs.

"Ggukie, love, look at me."

Jungkook rose his head up weakly, tears blurring his vision. He took in Taehyung's features, although sad, he felt comfort just by the sight of his caring eyes. Taehyung clasped the other's clenched fist and entangled their fingers together.

"I'm very much alive. Can you feel it?" He asked after bringing the other's hand over his beating heart.

Jungkook's hand jumped with every bump. He breathed out tiredly and focused on the fast paced vibrations going through his veins, his body growing less tense with every beat. Taehyung smiled at the raven boy and got up instantly, his legs feeling too numb to stay seated on the ground. Brushing dust off his jeans, he felt a strong grip on his knees. He looked down, a pair of glossy eyes begging for attention and seeking comfort were staring back at him.

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