Relief and Pleasure

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Today, the sky was clear

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Today, the sky was clear. Taehyung was accompanied by his only friend Namjoon, sitting on an isolated bench in a park near his house. It was right after his graduation ceremony that he dragged down his so called driver to spend some time together. Taehyung was observing the kids playing around when one of them abruptly tripped on their shoe lace and fell straight down onto the grass. The child's cries were the only sound echoing with the chirping birds but everybody chose to follow the flapping wings roaming in the air. Everyone pretended to be busy not sparing the crying kid a glance. Taehyung couldn't bear the sight of someone in pain and decided to jump to the kid and help him up. He held the child into a tight hug whispering sweet nothings until his cries went down, swallowed by Taehyung's neck.

"Minjoon? Where are you?"

The kid turned around, a smile creeping on his face at the familiar voice. He left a wet smooch on Taehyung's cheek and embraced him one last time before whispering a shallow 'thank wou'. He then ran towards a young lady, most likely his guardian, who bowed to Taehyung in appreciation. Taehyung was too taken aback to realise that the two figures were no longer in his sight.

"So this is how it feels to be taken care of," he wondered with a sad smile, "This is what having a motherly figure would feel like."

Taehyung was startled by a breathy chuckle followed by sharp coughs. He turned around coming eye to eye with another woman who looked in her late thirties. She looked so beautiful despite the exhausted expression her face held.

"That was so sweet of you, young boy." The stranger said her chopped lips stretching into the widest of smiles.

Taehyung's heart flattered at the compliment. He was rarely praised by someone, always too shy to fish for compliments but he yearned for them nonetheless.

"I—I really didn't do much."

The women patted the empty space next to her and Taehyung couldn't help but nod as he joined her on the bench opposite to the one he was resting on with Namjoon. He didn't want to come across as too desperate to have company. It didn't matter if it was someone as old as the mother he never had, a married woman who would only complain to him about her husband and kids.

"How old are? You look around my son's age." She asked with a polite smile.

"I'm 17. I graduated today." Taehyung informed matching her smile.

"Oh, I was right," she said in a giggle, "My son graduated today too."

Her giggles slowly turned into a frown and she furrowed her eyebrows in distress.

"Is there something wrong Mrs...?"

" Oh, please! Just call me Soyeon," she said while staring blankly into space, "It's just—you reminded me of how my son used to be."

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