My Father's A Homo (part 2)

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As Whizzer pulled away from Marvin's embrace, the doorbell chimed from downstairs. Marvin smiled. "That'll be them."
Whizzer took a shaky breath and nodded. "Do you want me to come to the door with you?" He asked quietly. Marvin nodded and smiled.
"You can if you want."

Whizzer followed Marvin downstairs until they reached the door. Whizzer stood back a bit as Marvin opened it. In front of them stood Jason and Trina - Jason looking a little on edge and Trina looking down right distressed. "Hi!" Trina said with an overbearing forced smile, pulling Whizzer in for a hug. "Nice to see you again!" She said through gritted teeth. The last time she had seen Whizzer was when she found him grabbing her husband's ass in her den, and she clearly had not forgotten the incident. Whizzer was blissfully unaware of Trina's discomfort but Marvin, on the other hand, noticed and gave the woman a stern glare. "Good to see you too!" Whizzer said, with a more genuine smile. "And you must be Jason." Whizzer could feel his body becoming tense as Jason gave the tall man an uncomfortable look. Whizzer kneeled down so he was Jason's height. "I'm Whizzer."

Jason had never heard the name before, and wasn't sure if he had heard it right.
"You're a wizard?" He asked in confusion. Whizzer laughed and shook his head. "Whizzer. That's my name - a bit odd, I know." After a second, Jason smiled and stretched out his arm to shake the tall man's hand. Whizzer took it firmly and shook with a big smile. Jason liked that.

Trina watched as Jason shook Whizzer's hand. Oh god... she thought to herself he's gonna be a real influence on him. Whilst Trina didn't completely dislike Whizzer, the thought of him being with her ex husband made her feel sick. She didn't want her or her son to have anything to do with their relationship, but Marvin had insisted on introducing Whizzer to Jason. She looked up at her ex and nodded. "Hi Marvin" she said, with an obvious discomfort in her voice. He nodded back but didn't reply. What an asshole she thought to herself as she faked another smile towards the two men.

"Come inside - this is your house after all." Whizzer laughed nervously. Marvin always let Whizzer stay round when Trina and Jason were out, but the house had a completely different dynamic when the owner of it was inside. He suddenly felt awkward, as if he had intruded by being in their house, even though Trina had agreed to let Whizzer stay so Jason could meet him. "You have a lovely house by the way, Trina. Thank you for letting me stay." He spoke quickly. Trina nodded. "Not a problem!" She said, although the uncomfortable look on her face didn't suggest as such. "Right," she exhaled "I'll let you boys get to know each other - I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." And at that, she walked away, and the two men and the boy were alone.

A/N: oops I didn't mean to make this so long sorryyy (I know these are one shots but I can't write that much at one time). It should only be three parts. I'll try to make the others one part only. Hope you're enjoying :)

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