I Am "Agitato Grande"

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Marvin came home from work tired and tense. He threw his jacket across the couch and proceeded to collapse on top of it, sighing dramatically. Whizzer, who had been in the other room, heard the noise and peered into the living room to see what was happening.

"You ok babe?" Whizzer said sweetly, as he stepped into the room where he saw his lover cuddling a cushion on the couch and frowning. "No." Marvin replied with a sigh. "I just...I had a bad day." Whizzer pouted and made his way to his partner's side, kneeling down beside him to stroke his hair lovingly. "Awe I'm sorry honey." He said and placed a small kiss on his forehead, which was marked with lines from stress. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Marvin let a little smile curve his lips as he thought about the offer. He knew almost immediately what he wanted from Whizzer, and the thought of it filled him with excitement. "Well..." he started, a hint of mischief in his voice "there is something." "What is it? Whizzer asked, expecting it to be something along the lines of sex or Star Wars. He was surprised when Marvin said "I'd like you to speak Spanish to me."

Whizzer had been learning Spanish for a while now, claiming he just wanted to learn the dirty chat-up lines and curse words, but secretly he adored the language. He practiced every day before Marvin got home, but never let him hear anything he learnt because he was too embarrassed. But now he didn't have much choice. He sighed. "Ohhh why couldn't you just ask for a blowjob!" He whined and Marvin chuckled. "Please baby, I promise I'll shut up and I won't tease you." He run his hands through Whizzer's hair. God, he sure knows how to manipulate me, Whizzer thought to himself before letting out a sigh. "Ok fine. But you better not laugh!"

Marvin sat up as Whizzer climbed onto the couch, allowing Marvin to rest his head in his lap. Marvin looked up at his lover kindly and began to stroke his hand. "Whenever you're ready Whiz..." he whispered and placed a kiss on his hand. Whizzer coughed nervously and began to speak. "Hola, me llamo Whizzer y vivo con el mejor coño en el mundo." He smirked to himself, but Marvin sat there with his mouth gaping open as he listened intently, shocked at Whizzer's beautiful accent. The man continued. ".... Pienso que estoy lo más feliz que he estado en mi vida porque...amo a Marvin." He even said Marvin's name in a Spanish accent which made the older man melt. "Y él me ama. ¡Y él es mi novio! Quiero que él sea feliz siempre."

Marvin looked up at Whizzer with love in his eyes. He had no idea what Whizzer had said but it had sounded beautiful. Whizzer was still smiling to himself as he thought about the words he had spoken, which had all been true. He realised Marvin had been looking at him and blushed a little. "Whizzer that was beautiful." Marvin said sincerely, and Whizzer bit his lip, holding back a smile. "Really?" Marvin nodded and sat up. "You have the most beautiful Spanish accent I've ever heard. You could have been slagging me off for all I know, but hell it was beautiful."

Whizzer blushed again. "I was worried because the pronunciation was a little off, and I could've used some better vocabulary and I think I messed up th-" Whizzer's rambling was cut off as Marvin pulled him into a passionate kiss. "It was perfect." Marvin whispered as he unlocked his lips from his lover's. "Shut up, you're perfect." Whizzer muttered back with a giggle. Marvin kissed him once more, before replying with the only Spanish phrase he knew: "Te amo Whizzer."

A/N: I kinda loved the idea of this fic because I'm learning Spanish and I'm so in love with it and the thought of Whizzer learning it makes my heart happy. Also, sorry to any Spanish speakers that had to read my terrible Spanish. I tried, ok?  🤣 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! (Also the title was the only lyric I thought could relate to this story and I'm slightly regretting making the titles all song lyrics.)

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