Everything Will Be Alright

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TW ~ this fic mentions anxiety and has a description of a panic attack (which i'll try to keep as mild as possible). If you think this will trigger you, please don't read it. I'll put another TW where the panic attack starts.


Whizzer was laying comfortably on Marvin's shoulder as he watched the telly. Well, he said "watched" but he wasn't really watching it - he found it hard to concentrate on the drama of the show with Marvin playing with his hair, the younger helpless to the older's touch. He was the most relaxed he had been in a long time. The two men had recently got back together after two years of being apart and both of them were very happy to be back in each other's company.

They had quickly got back to their old routines; fighting about stupid shit, cuddling and watching movies, giving each other kisses every five seconds and having a lot of sex. It all came back to them so naturally, as if the two had been designed for the sole purpose of making the other happy. However, there had been some changes. Marvin, for example, had made some new friends - a couple of lesbians who lived next door, who had quickly become close friends first with Marvin and then with Whizzer. But there had been a change in Whizzer that Marvin didn't know about yet. And he was about to find out...

Marvin placed a small kiss on Whizzer's forehead, before the tall man sat up on the couch and focused his eyes on the glaring light of the TV.
"You're actually watching this crap?" Marvin said with an chuckle. He could never understand Whizzer's love for pointless drama shows. Whizzer laughed and nodded.
"It's not that bad if you give it a chance. A bit like you." Whizzer giggled and Marvin gave him a push.
"I hate you."
"Yeah love you too babe."

Marvin rolled his eyes but decided not to cause a fuss as he rested his head on Whizzer's shoulder and let him watch the show. Whizzer's eyes watched the screen intently. He was more invested in the show than he cared to admit, claiming he had an exquisite taste in entertainment and that this was purely a guilty pleasure. He had stopped watching it when he and Marvin broke up because all the love scenes shattered his heart. In fact, in the two years they had been apart, Whizzer had stopped doing a lot of things he loved, even photography. Now Whizzer watched again, this time cuddling up to Marvin at every love scene. But in this particular episode, there was an argument.


Marvin was now watching the show with Whizzer, but never daring to admit he was enjoying it. His head was rested against Whizzer's chest when he felt the taller man's heartbeat start to quicken. He looked up at his lover, who was watching the screen nervously. The couple on the TV were arguing loudly and aggressively - it was almost painful to watch, even for Marvin.
"Whiz, you ok?" Marvin said with a worried voice. Whizzer nodded and bit his lip, but didn't look at Marvin. Marvin could sense that something was wrong, even though he didn't know what it was.

As the shouting from the TV got louder, Whizzer's pulse got quicker, and the hand Marvin was holding on to became hot and clammy. He could even feel Whizzer shake a little.
"Baby talk to me, please, what's wrong?" Whizzer's fingernails dug into Marvin's hands. "It's fine Marvin, I'm fine." He said quietly through gritted teeth. The couple on the TV were now screaming at each other, and Marvin noticed Whizzer's eyes start to fill with tears as his breathing became short and quick.
"Whizzer, please, do you need me to turn the TV off?" Marvin's voice was panicked and frantic. He was so confused, he just wanted Whizzer to be ok. Whizzer burst into tears and nodded.
"Yes, please turn it off!" He sobbed and buried his face into Marvin's chest.

Marvin quickly grabbed the TV remote and switched it off. The noise finally stopped as the room filled with silence, the only sound coming from Whizzer's muffled sobs. Marvin wrapped his arms around his partner and rubbed his back soothingly. "It's ok." He whispered, tears filling in his own eyes. "Everything will be alright." He waited until Whizzer had caught his breath and had stopped crying to talk to him.

"Marvin I'm so sor-"
"Shhh." The older man hushed. "It's fine. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"You didn't know I...." Whizzer started, tears building up in eyes again.
"It's fine." Marvin repeated. "Do you want to talk about it? It's ok if you don't want to." Whizzer nodded.
"No, I do want to talk about it." He said shakily. He let out a deep breath before he spoke.

"During the two years we were split up, I developed um...a sort of anxiety I guess. It's nothing serious, I just...when I hear arguments and shouting it reminds me of that last argument we had and I get so scared. Even though I was single at the time the anxiety started, it felt like I was going to lose something. When we had that argument I lost you. Now every time I hear an argument I get scared that I'll lose something else...or I'll lose you again. I know it sounds stupid...but I went to see a doctor and he told me I have a form of PTSD."

Marvin looked at Whizzer with tears in his eyes. "Whizzer..."
"I know, I should've told you sooner I just-"
"No. Just...thank you for telling me. And I'm sorry that you feel that way, and please let me know when you do so I can make sure you feel better." A tear rolled down Whizzer's cheek.
"So you're not mad?"
"What? No! Of course not. I'm just happy you told me." Whizzer breathed a sigh of relief and Marvin smiled.
"Whizzer I love you, nothing will ever change that. You're not losing me now, tomorrow, next year, next decade or any time soon. You hear me?" Whizzer nodded and smiled tearily.
"Thank you Marvin." The older man placed a kiss on the younger man's forehead and repeated the same thing he told him earlier.
"Everything will be alright."

A/N: Yikes this was crap sorry skskks. I'm writing this to procrastinate from piano practice whoops. The next fic will be less triggering hopefully. See you later dudeeessss!

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