Men In Cufflinks

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"Marvin come on!" The sound of Whizzer's voice snapped Marvin out of his daydream. He was in a shopping mall - probably his least favourite place in the world, but Whizzer had dragged him there to pick out an outfit for a dinner party they were going to the following night, hosted by the two loveable lesbians who they lived next to. Marvin had been staring at the hot dog stand in the centre longingly, mouth drooling, until Whizzer had called him.
"Yeah, I'm...I'm coming." He called back slowly, but didn't move from his spot and continued to stare at the wieners.

"MARVIN!" Marvin sighed as he heard Whizzer's footsteps marching towards him. "You said you'd come!" Whizzer complained.
"I never said that." Marvin returned. Whizzer sighed dejectedly, before opening his mouth to speak. "...If you come with me I'll buy you a hotdog."
"Coming!" Marvin quickly decided, and happily followed Whizzer.

Of course Whizzer had to choose the most expensive, prestigious store to go to - he simply couldn't shop anywhere else, he explained to Marvin. The older man reluctantly walked into the store, thinking about all the hot dogs he could buy for the price of one shirt in there. Whizzer took Marvin's hand and gave a small tug, signalling for him to follow. Marvin let Whizzer lead him to the suit section, where Whizzer stopped and grinned happily.

"Whizzer I've told you before, I don't do suits."
Whizzer huffed. "What do you mean you don't do suits? You don't have a choice. That's like me telling you I don't do blowjobs."
"That's a terrible comparison." Marvin remarked with a smirk.
"Yeah're terrible at blowjobs. Just pick a suit already." Mavin laughed to himself, then proceeded to examine the rows of clothes.

He scanned each item quickly, checking the price tag of each one before deciding if he liked it or not. Eventually he found one that he deemed acceptable. He held it up to show to Whizzer. "How about this?" Whizzer almost vomited in his mouth. The blazer was a dark green colour, sort of a mouldy tone, made from cheap looking fabric. "Absolutely not." Whizzer replied, and took the suit away from Marvin, quickly checking the price tag. "Of course you picked the cheapest one!" He laughed and put the blazer back on the rack. "Why don't I just buy it for you if you're so worried about the price." Marvin shook his head firmly.
"No, no, it's fine, I have money. You can pay me back another way." He said with a smirk and Whizzer giggled childishly.

Eventually, they agreed on a suit that was both (somewhat) affordable and good looking, as well as a pair of silver cufflinks that Whizzer picked out. Marvin quickly escorted himself into the changing room and Whizzer waited excitedly outside.
"How's it going in there?" Whizzer called through the door after a long five minutes had gone by.
"I don't know looks a bit weird on me."
"Oh come on Marv, it can't look that bad. Just show it to me, I can pick out another one after if you want."
"...ok then."

Marvin slowly opened the door and stepped out of the changing room. Whizzer's mouth fell wide open as he was greeted by his boyfriend dressed in an all black suit that fitted him just right, with the sparkling silver cufflinks twinkling by his sides.
"What do you think?" Marvin asked nervously. Whizzer lips tugged upwards into a wide smile and he slowly walked towards his lover.
"I think you look wonderful." He said sincerely. Marvin blushed.
"You really think so?" Whizzer simply nodded and pulled his lover into a sweet kiss. He quickly pulled away as a thought popped into his head. "Stay there."

Whizzer quickly reached for his bag and fumbled around until he found his beloved camera, tucked away neatly at the bottom. He pulled it out and hung it round his neck, putting the camera up to his face and focusing on Marvin. Marvin gave a cheeky grin and Whizzer quickly snapped the shot, smiling to himself with pride. The older man walked over and carefully removed the camera from Whizzer's hands. He turned it around so the lens was facing him and lifted it up. "Say cheese Whizzer!" Marvin said with a giggle. Whizzer smiled then placed a kiss on Marvin's cheek as the shutter clicked, capturing the perfect moment.

Whizzer stood back, taking in Marvin's appearance once more. "God you look good in cufflinks." He remarked breathlessly. Marvin chuckled. He loved how cute Whizzer looked when he was flustered.
"Take the suit and cufflinks off, we're buying them." Whizzer instructed. "And put them back on when we get home so I can uh...see how it looks in different lighting." Marvin giggled to himself. "Help me undress?" He said with a glimmer in his eyes. Whizzer's own eyes widened and he nodded, following Marvin into the changing room.

They were lucky they were the only ones in the store because they spent a long time in that changing room - examining the suit of course. The two came out red faced and grinning, their clothes hanging messily over their hot bodies. Marvin quickly handed over the money for the suit before Whizzer dragged him out of the store, desperate to get home so he could dress Marvin up again.

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