Chapter 11

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Vex has one more day to murder before training starts or will it idk



Poor vex her family gone. I have to be strong for her. I decided to call James and CD and tell them what happned. I called CD first and then James. I put us together in a group call.

(r-Rem, CD-cd, J-James)

CD J- what do you want , hello

R- hey guys I have some bad news.

CD J -what

R- Vex's family was murdered you should come over to see her. She needs us.

CD- I am heading over right now bye she hung up

J- okay there in a bit bye then he hung up

"good. I'm going to make snacks"

*half hour l8ter*


I heard the front door bell ring then a knock on the door. "come in " I said.

The door swung opened and CD ran to me tackled me in a hug. James slide in after her." you okay?' he asked.

"Yeah i'm okay."i said. CD released me from her hug. Rem walked in the room. Come down stairs I made food. The group walked to the living room. But in the hall James stopped Vex." Vex I never showed it but I really care for you." James grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. He then kissed my cheek.

"Its okay to cry. Just come to me when you do."He said then left me alone in the hall. I walked out to the group and sat on the couch next to James. Rem suggested a movie, everyone agreed. During the movie James scooted closer to me to put his arm around my shoulders. The movie was a stupid comedy. But I laughed anyways. In the end we had a sleep over at Rem's house. The next day we all skipped school.

"It is your last day to kill them Vex do it fast" the voice said in my head waking me up.

"I know I know" I hissed in my head. I looked around the room realizing that I must have been that last one to wake up. I was then attacked with a wave of blood lust. I groaned and grabbed my head. I licked my lips and went to the kitchen to grab a knife. I was trying to fight the urge for blood but couldn't stop myself.

There were three people in the kitchen laughing and eating bacon and toast. The three muttered there hi's to me and keep eating. I walked to the knife holder and grabbed a butcher knife turning to the group behind me. CD was the closest so I pounced on her and cramed the knife into her stomach. I heard yells of my name and asking what am I doing. My vision blurred with hot liquid it ran down my cheeks. I turned to the others seeing fear in their's eyes. Rem and James ran away from me. I let them turning back to my friend on the ground, she was still alive. I twisted the knife making more blood leak from her body. I pulled my knife from her stomach, I licked the knife.

I took the knife and cut open her stomach blood started to pool in her body. I cupped my hands and scopped up some blood and brought it to my mouth drinking it. Sweet with a tang. Just like CD's personality. More tears streamed down my face. I stood up and went to look for the other two my lust not yet satisfied.

3rd POV

'Oh my GOD Vex just stabbed CD I have to hide. but where I know!! in the bathroom just lock the door.' Rem thought as she ran for the batroom. James ran to the guest room and locked the door.

Vex saw where both of them ran to. She smiled to herself deciding to put on a show. " Now where have my friends gone?" she said out loud. Vex went after Rem first, Vex put her foot to the door and kicked. The door broke wide open. Rem let out a little squeak from the bathtub. Vex walked over to her and slowly peeled back the curtain. "Oh there you are dear friend. It is not nice to run away when I want to show you something. Rem panicked and kicked Vex in the stomach. Vex caught her foot and twisted hearing a gruesome snap.

Rem screamed in agony. Vex slit her throat and tasted her blood. Sour weird. Whatever Vex thought as she went for her next victim.

James was under the bed when he heard Rem screaming from the bathroom. What is Vex doing? We are her only family left. I just admitted my feeling for her and then she goes pyscho and kills us. damn it What am I going to do? James thought. Vex stomped up the stairs to let James know he was next.

James heard the stomping. Each stomp his heart beat faster. The door slamed open. I thought I locked that. Oh crap. James thought that trying to be as quiet as he could be under a bed. His head was soon pressed to the floor as Vex sat on the bed. James heard sniffling and sighs. She is crying. James heard the bed squeak as Vex got off. She walked around the room for a bit before getting down on her hands and knees. James saw the blood of his friends on her hands. Filth He thought.

He soon saw Vex's face," Hiya neighbor" Vex said with fake enthusiasm. James growled at her. Vex stuck her hand under the bed and grabbed James's hair. He screamed in pain. He put on an angry face."Let me go you FILTH." James yelled. Vex let go as she was pulling him out from under the bed.

James looked at her face in surprise. Vex was crying harder and had a face of horror on.'F-Flith you called me filth. James WHAT THE ... Why would you ..." Vex said but could not finish her word because she was crying. She fell to her knees.

Vex then growled in anger." I am not FILTH. I have been living for other people ever since mom died and now I am going to live for me James. And that involves killing my connections." She screamed. Vex thrust the knife forward into James's eye. He screamed in anguish, as Vex then twisted the knife in his eye socket. She pulled the knife along with his eye still attached to his body. Vex tapped on the eye's string. James screaming more with every tap. Vex laughed at his pain, she then ripped the eye from his head. Blood spewing on to her face.

Vex wiped her face and tasted the blood. Tangy with a little sweet. James died and Vex sighed. Her connections were gone. She could now get trained by Slender. Vex wiped her eyes. " there is no going back now" she said out loud. She dipped her hands in James's blood and went to the living room and wrote in blood on the wall, Demons called for blood Mission Accomplished." She was admiring her handy work when she felt hot tears drip down her face. She wiped her eyes.

Went to the second bathroom and stripped getting ready for a shower. She took of her headphones and nose ring and jumped into the cold water. After five minutes in the shower she got out. Vex slipped on her headphones and nose ring again and rapped the towel around her body. Vex walkked into the guest room where she saw James's body and one eye looking at her. She closed his one eye and got dressed.

She wore her Dark navy blue cami, undergarments, ripped jean, and her mini sweatshirt and hightop converse. Feeling refreshed she grabbed her stuff and called a taxi wanting to go back to her house and et some thing. She checked her phone for the time and saw that she had a text from unknown.

She smiled when she saw it was the list of kill numbers. She would have to enter the number when she got home. The taxi showed five minutes later, Vex told the driver the address.


Welp Vex killed her connections whoo-oo-oh? I mean 'aww her family and friends are dead'

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Bye Bye

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