Chapter 32

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Sorry this has taken so long I have been busy w/ school and have had a little writer's block. Again I'm sorry for the wait.



I am super excited for the party tonight. I went up to my room and got on different clothes. I left my hair down and my sunglasses on. I put on booty shorts and a blood red belt that hung off my hip a liitle and a tight black mini sweatshirt that showed off my stomach. I put on my hightops and crimson lipstick. I put my knives on my belt and went down the stairs.

As I waited for the others to get ready I played on the x-box. I laid on my stomach and kicked my legs for about five minutes until Jane and Clock came down the stairs. Jane had on a simple black cocktail dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Clockwork was wearing skinny jeans, a white tanktop and a leather jacket with black boots. I turned on my elbow and checked them out. "DAMN! If I was a man I would so do that." I said smiling deviously. They smiled at me and sat on the couch next to each other while I went back to kicking my feet and playing my game.

Jack and Jeff came down the stairs about 10 minutes later and saw us girls all ready to go. They stopped when we all stood up next to each other. Jeff let out a low whistle and Jack's eye sockets kept surfing my body. I let out a small laugh and crossed my arms over my chest. "Slender put BEN on Sally duty and Sarah is not here so lets go. I want to party." I said we all agreed. I teleported us a couple houses away from the party. We all started joking around and laughing uncontrollably. We got to the door and we could fell the bass in the air.

We circled quickly and came up with the plan to kill at 1 am. We broke and went into the house. Jeff chased after a couple of slutty looking girls. Clock went after the alcohol and Jane went after some guy. I got excited I haven't been to a party this big since my last birthday party. In the corner of the room I saw a glow in the dark paint station. I ran to and sat in the chair. I asked to girl painting to draw swirls around my stomach and strips down my face. I felt Jack following me around the party. I secretly led him to the dance floor.

I whipped around unexpectedly and bumped into Jack's chest. Jack froze while I interwinded our hands and began to dance with him. I was surprised he actually knew how to dance. We moved together in perfect timing to the music. People had started watching us dance, soon we had the whole dance floor to ourselves. The people cheered and urged us to continue dancing. The song ended just as Jack and I came back together from our last move. The crowd went wild. I smiled to him.

The people went rushed back on the dance floor as soon as the next song started. Me and Jack went to get something to drink. We were both still panting a little from all the dancing we just did. I had some weird red colored drink and a Jack had whiskey I think. We sat there drinking for a bit until we heard wolf whistles coming from the left of me. We both turned and I gasped at what I saw. There was Clockwork on the counter striping off her clothes and dancing while guys cheered and whistled. I turned to Jack,"Dude gimme your jacket! QUICKLY!" I motioned. Jack unzipped his sweatshirt exposing his black tee-shirt. I took the coat and jumped behind the counter and rushed behind Clock. I grabbed the top of her underwear and pulled her down into my arms and Jack rushed to find her clothes. I took Clock away into a random hallway of the house. This house had to be huge because there were people every turn I took.

I finally found a hall with no people and set clock against a wall. Jack followed with her clothes. I motioned for him to turn around while I dressed her. I stood up and puled a drunk Clockwork to her feet she stumbled around. I put her arm over my shoulder to steady her. Then Jeff walked down the hall we were in. "Hey its almost time to end this party." Jeff laughed. We all nodded/ drunck head bobbing to show we all understood."Clock you going to be okay to kill I can just take you home right now and come back." I offered. She just laughed and said,"Hellz yeah I'll be okay. Lets go kill some people." she stumbled out of the hall and back to the party.

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