Chapter 17

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so yeah here is the trip chapter. I was thinking of maybe splitting this into two chapters but we will see where it goes


Last time

We both laughed. BEN helped me to my feet, I waked to my room and packed for the trip.

*10 minutes before*

3rd POV

BEN was pacing around in his room practicing how to ask Vex to be his girlfriend. He heard a mixture of a laugh and a sigh outside his door. He stopped moving and walked to his door and opened it. The last person in the world he wanted to see Eyeless Jack.

"Jack" BEN growled,"What are you doing outside my door?" he asked. "I'm just walking to my room. Minding my own business. You?" Jack said in an annoyingly calm voice that irritated BEN."How much did you hear Eyeless?" BEN asked.

Jack tilted his head to the side in fake confusion, a sad smirk forming under his mask. I heard all of it you bumbling idiot, he thought. "Something about girlfriend and thats it." Jack said. BEN leaned on the door frame and put on a cocky smirk."Yeah I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend." BEN said.

Jack felt a shiver go down his spin and his heart skip a beat. BEN chuckled evilly, like he knew what Jack was thinking. "Okay go ahead and ask her if your so confident. You don't even know her. Like she will accept." Jack sneered. Ben growled,"I do too know stuff about Vex." Jack laughed, and wiped a little of the black goop that was always dripping from his eyes and whipped it to the ground. BEN sneered in annoyance,"What do you know about her that I don't Eyeless." Jack then proceeded to say all of the things that he knew about Vex and the friendship they shared."Also she has seen my face, and she trusts me so much she gave her headphones willingly." Jack finished with those facts.

BEN was PO'd. He pushed past Jack and went to the stairs and crashed with somebody. He was about to yell at the person when he realized it was Vex. She was coughing really badly. BEN dropped to his knees. (After all this just cuz)

E.Jack POV

I was feeling really good after telling BEN off. I walked to my room and just in time to see Vex close her door. I had time to hang out with her so I knocked on her door. She opened it almost immediately."Oh hi Jack sup." she said. Vex gestured for me to come in, I closed the door behind me. I sat on her bed and watched her curiously as Vex pulled out a black backpack.

"What are you doing V?" I asked her. She responded with one word,"Packing" I nodded. Vex put her headphones on her neck. I took off my mask and laid down on her bed. We were sitting in gentle silence until Vex said,"Jack tell me about yourself." I sat up,"What?"

"I realized that I barely know anything about you. Tell me about you." she said. Vex sat on her bed next to me but laid her head where her feet would usually go and put her feet on the wall. "Well what would you like to know?" I said."Everything. Friends, Family, Life before this. Tell me." She said, we sat in awkward silence for a minute. "Before this, I had a little sister,Lisa, and a mom." I said.

"It all started when we had found out that Lisa had kidney cancer. We couldn't find treatment in our town so we had to move to get her help. We were driving to Phoenix, Arizona, when she gave me this mask she had made in class. Surprisingly it was snowing and Mom lost control of the car and crashed. Lisa was only 7 when she died. I was the only one to survive, but the mask had glued itself to my face, and one of my eyes had been impaled. I was just pushed over the edge since that day. I had ripped out my one impaled eye and fixed it. One day I accidentally stumbled upon the under realm portal and met Zalgo. Zalgo injected this odd Black substance in me and I lost my other eye. I was made to live in the Slender mansion and thats how I got here."

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