Chapter Nine: Antonio

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Today is the day when the carnival starts. The carnival only comes here once a year, so it's pretty exciting to hear the music and laughter again of people again.

I meet up with the gang at Ethan place, and a few minutes later we leave and go to the carnival.
"I'm so excited!" Cheerfully said Princess.

"I'm sure you are" said Gabriel smiling at her.

"Guys, I, Linus, Gabriel, and Princess will be buying tickets and coins alright" said Tracy as they trail off to the ticket booth.

"You excited?" Ask Ethan.

"Of course I am, it's the carnival" I said as my eyes wonder around to see the rides and booths.

A few minutes later Tracy and the rest came back and gave us the tickets for unlimited rides, and the coins for the booths.

"Alright guys, first up is the gun booth" said Tracy.

We follow her leading us to the booth, we each paid 3 coins to play. The man at the booth gives each one of us one gun and 5 paint balls, and tells us that if we had hit 5 glassed staues from the shelf we would receive a prize.

And so I load in my gun, and watch Tracy and Linus hit every glassed statue perfectly, not a single miss.

Then it was Gabriel and Princess turn, Princess had only shot 3 glassed statue which had won her a flower ring.

Ethan and Aunica turn came, and Aunica doesn't seems to know how to shoot the glassed statue, she asks assistance from Ethan who wraps his arms around her to help her aim. Aunica seems to be enjoying it.
Lastly I and Antonio play.

"You know how to do this?" I asked Antonio.

He doesn't say a word and he starts firing here and there, he had shot 5 glassed statues perfectly.

"Does that answer your question?" Asked Antonio.

"Woah" I said in amuzement "My turn pretty boy" I told him.

I shot 5 glassed statue perfectly, just the same as Antonio.

"Nice" said Antonio.

"Prize?" Asked the man.

"I'll get the stuffed dolphin please" said Antonio.
"This is for you" he said.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him.

"And for you young lady?" Asked the man.

"Those two bracelets please" I said to him.

One of the bracelet had blue beads and half a heart, while the other bracelet had pink beads and had the other half of the heart.

"Here you go" said the man giving me the bracelets.

"And this is for you" I told him as I put on the bracelet on his wrist.

"May I?" Ask Antonio if he could place my bracelet on.

"You may" I replied.

He places the bracelet on my wrist and we take a photo of both of our bracelet together that forms a complete heart.

"Next is the balloon blast" said Tracy.

She leads the group away from the booth, but Antonio tells me to stay.

"Wanna head to the dance booth?" Asked Antonio.

"There's a dance booth!" I exclaimed. "Let's".

We head to the dance booth and pay up 2 coins.

"What song do you want to dance to?" Asked Antonio.

"Till I forget about you by BTR" I told him.

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