I blessed the rains down in andys place

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O H M Y G O D I still can't believe I was adopted by Andrew freaking Rannells!! What do I do with this newfound power? I would brag to my friends but they don't know about broadway and the sheer talent that radiates off of my new father who happened to be nominated for two tonys and is blessed by god himself. But who cares because oh my freaking goshhhhh He's filling out forms and other boring stuff which means I'll be his child legally. OH MY GOD THAT MEANS IM NOW ELIZA RANNELLS. I metaphorically choke on my tea because sweet Jesus I have a way cooler last name though, even though whizzers last name is brown so sorry whiz but I'm a Rannells. I guess I looked pretty weird since I was staring at a wall in pure thought because Andrew tapped me on the shoulder, "Are you ready to go or do you want to say goodbye first?" I shook my head no since there hasn't been enough emotional attachment to any of the girls since I've been here for not even a day. So I leave the place I've only been at for a day and head into the new world. The sun shines and everything looks hella nice, it's so nice that I forgot my parents are dead and I'm the reason why. All that emotional guilt can get shoved away for another day, I don't have time to have a deeper character arc or whatever; that's Satan's job. We walk the streets in a quiet tone, He's trying to give me time to realize that I'm going to live a different life lITTLE DID HE KNOW IVE HAD THIS PLANNED OUT. As we walk I'm trying to figure out how he's going to take me to his apartment, taxi??? Limbo??? Metro??? Magical Pegasus drawn golden chariot sent down from heaven?? So I'm disappointed when he opened the car door to a Kia, I at least wanted a Lamborghini god this better not be a let down. BUT ITS ANDREW RANNELLS SO I MUST PERSEVERE THROUGH THIS MIDDLE CLASS CAR. I sit in shot gun and look out the window as Andrew makes small talk trying to figure out more about me the child he's stuck with. I stare intensely at the beautiful landscape of New York moving past as slowly as possible due to the traffic. I'm too excited to be disappointed though because as seen above I'm adopted by my hero. Eventually the car stops in front of a nice looking apartment complex, I Yeet out of the car because I'm tired of the Kia and I'm ready to roll out into my new bedroom and fancy dancy new house, which isn't a boring small place like my old house smh does it really hurt to buy a painting??? Like Jesus. Andrew looks down at me as he unlocks the door, "You'll stay in the guest room, it's a bit small but you could turn it into a comfy space." I nod before I basically kick the door down to get to my new bedroom, it's so gosh darn nice I squeal a little. It's clean and soon I'll be able to design it myself!! UNLIKE MY CURRENT ROOM WHICH I CANT GET NEW STUFF FOR BECAUSE ITS 'FINE ALREADY' GOD. I flop myself on my new bed which is super comfy and has nice pillows and
a big queen size mattress. It's so much better then my old twin bed with Walmart sheets. These are silk and super nice!! Anyway I pass out on the bed because the authors done for now.

(An: if you have comments, questions, concerns, and asking if I'm okay feel free to slide into my DMs)

Adopted By Andrew Rannells Where stories live. Discover now