our lifetime.

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"she was the lie,she had been telling all along

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"she was the lie,
she had been telling all along."



            SAVANNAH MARTIN was told that her powers came from a bottle. She was told that these powers saved her life, and she believed it for long time. It was, of course, the most appealing and easiest explanation. Her dead parents could not tell her otherwise and neither could her cousins.

When she meets Nick Fury she can't help but wonder how he knows so much about her, her dead parents, and that damn serum. Nick introduces her to an unlikely group of heroes, where she finds that they have even bigger problems than her, including finding an alien scepter, and two siblings who know what it feels like to be be changed. Then the truth starts getting clearer and her past starts to feel blurrier.

Savannah is suddenly pulled into a darker world, which at that point, she didn't think was possible.



ryan destiny AS
savannah martin

' vitality '"he doesn't know who i am, and neither do i

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' vitality '
"he doesn't know who i am,
and neither do i."

antoinette robertson athena martin
naomi campbell elaine martin
morris chestnut terrance martin

(everyone else as described)

This is my first story but I have rewritten this book and still am in the process of doing so

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This is my first story but I have rewritten this book and still am in the process of doing so. I don't own Marvel, any of it's characters, or plotlines. All rights go to the creators. I do own Savannah Martin and her storyline (including any added charcters). Please don't plagiarize my story. There will be mentions of death in this.

OUR LIFETIME « Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now