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Emily's POV

"Get out of my office." I lazily say as I pull my pants back up before zipping them. The girl nods her head with a sad expression but does as told since she doesn't have a choice. She pulls her panties up and pulls her dress down and walks out of my office. That was boring as fuck.

What does it take to get someone who I actually crave for? These hoes are getting old. I need someone fresh. Someone who hasn't been touched by that many people. Someone who is still tight so it can feel good to me when I fuck them.

Is it too much to ask for?

I sit back down on my big ass black chair in front of my big ass office table and lean back to relax. Perks of owning multiple companies. You can say I am the richest person in Phili and everyone knows who I am.

Well, not personally. Only nine girls know who I am personally and they are not allowed to say a word to anyone. Not even their parents or friends.

As soon as my eyes close, Victoria's voice comes through the phone speaker. "Ms. Fields." I mentally roll my eyes but tell her to continue. "You have a meeting to go to tomorrow morning in Rosewood."

"What time?" My voice becomes serious. My lifestyle and work is something I don't play around with.

"8:30 at the brew. You're meeting with Ms. Gilbert about her company that she wants to sell." I nod my head even though Victoria can't see me. "That's all."

"Thank you, Victoria. Let me know if anything changes."

"Will do, Ms. Fields."


After work, I get into my 1967 Plymouth Roadrunner and head home. I know what you're probably thinking. She's rich and can afford any car she wants, why an old car? Well, you can say on the sidelines, I like to do a little bit of street racing.

At work, it's all work and no play. But when it comes to street racing, it's all about having fun. That and choosing a girl to fuck after the race.

Once I pull up to my house, I park my car inside my garage that has about 50 other cars that belong to me before taking the elevator up to my house.

As soon as it opens, I am greeted with my assistant, Hanna Marin. She gives me a small smile and offers me a hand with my jacket and keys.

Willingly, I hand them over so she can set them where they belong.

"Did Victoria tell you about your meeting tomorrow with Ms. Gilbert?" Hanna asks, walking to the kitchen, determined to get me something to drink.

"Yes, she did. I can't believe Ms. Gilbert is willing to negotiate her business after all the times I tried to get her to before." I shrug my shoulders and walk to the kitchen where Hanna awaits with a cup of coffee in her hand for me.

"I know. It came as a shock to me too when she called me." I nod my head and began to think. "What?"

"Nothing. Just been thinking too much today about a submissive." Hanna is not only my assistant but my close friend. She knows everything about me and my lifestyle.

"Take it as you haven't had any luck on finding one yet?" Hanna gives me a sorrow look already knowing the answer. I only sigh and take a sip of my coffee.

"It's not easy finding a girl who is into girls and is willing to submit herself over to me." Hanna nods her head in agreement.

"Well, I'm sure the right girl will come around. You just have to let her find you. Not the other way around."

Maybe Hanna is right. Whenever I look for something, I can't find it. But when I'm not looking for something, it comes right to me. I just need to be patient.

It just sucks because it hasn't taken me this long to find a submissive. And it's really starting to get to me because I have no one to take my frustration out on sexually.

"You should sleep it off, boss." Hanna jokes which makes me smile.


"Right here, Han." Hanna puts the car in park in front of the Brew that Ms. Gilbert wants to meet at.

Han gets out of the car and opens the door for me to get out. I don't know how many times I have told her that I can open the door myself but she always argues saying it's part of her job. And anyone knows better than to argue with Hanna.

"Thanks. Wish me luck." Hanna only smirks before I head into the brew. The smell of coffee and donuts fills my nose. It smells delicious.

I look around the small place to see Ms. Gilbert sitting on the couch near the back. Not too many people are here surprisingly.

The cashier person doesn't seem to be in sight so I guess they are in the back of the store doing whatever that they do. My coffee will have to wait.

With pride, I walk over to Ms. Gilbert and respectfully say hello.

"Ms. Fields." She immediately stands up and shakes my hand with a big smile on her face. I've always loved her smile. Maybe a little too much. "Thank you for meeting me today." She gestures for me to sit so I do.

"Thank you as well."

"So I imagine you are wondering why now of all days that I want to meet up with you to negotiate." I nod my head for her to continue. "Well, I got some exciting news and I won't be able to take on such a big business soon."

"What news?" I raise my eyebrows at her. Before I realize it, my eyes fall down to her stomach. A stomach that isn't so flat anymore. I slap myself mentally. "Wow, congratulations." I give her a smile.

"Thank you. I feel like it's the right thing to do." I nod my head in agreement.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt." My eyes look up to see a blonde girl that I immediately claim.

Holy fuck.

"I'm sorry?" The girl gives me a confused look and that's when I realized I said it out loud. I clear my head, trying to get the thoughts of me pounding into her out of my mind.

"I just remembered that I have papers that need to be turned in before noon." I take my phone and pretend that I'm texting someone important, but really, it's just Hanna.

She's here.

As soon as the text sends, I slide it back into my suit pocket and focus my attention on the girl that has me aroused by just looking at her. Her long blonde hair flows perfectly down her back, her eyes are the kind that I can drown in, her lips are a perfect size and look irresistible, she has the perfect heart-shaped face, and she smells like vanilla.

She's mine.

I need her.

"Do you need anything?" The blonde asks with a sweet smile.

I need you in my bed so I can fuck you.

"Americano." The girls nods her head before walking away without a second glance. That's weird. Normally, girls like her, die to have my attention. But then again, this isn't Philidelphia. This is Rosewood. A town where nobody knows me.

But I'm determined to make sure this blonde finds out who I am some way or another.

Okay, so this is just a start:) I hope it's not too bad! I promise it will get better as the chapters get going and things will get heated;) Let me know what you think!

Question: Is there anything specific you want me to write?

I will update when I can!

I love all of you so much!

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