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Alison's POV

6 weeks later...

My back slams against the bedroom door, stinging slightly, but I ignore it as Emily's lips attach to mine in a forceful and controlling way. I have been waiting to kiss her all this time but never had the courage to do it. I'm just glad the alcohol is helping my confidence. If I was sober, I wouldn't be getting ready to screw her.

"Em, I want you." My voice slurs a little but I somehow manage to make it sound sexy. At least I think it sounded sexy. She smiles before ripping my shirt open, the buttons popping off, revealing my black lace bra. My breathing gets heavy as she eyes me up and down with lust.

Her lips kiss down to my neck and then to my chest as her hands unzip my pants effortlessly. My heartbeat is racing and my thoughts are all over the place. But I don't care. I push Emily off of me and shove her down on to the bed, before I sit on top of her, my legs straddling her waist.

I don't get very far because Emily had switched positions on me, her now being in control which she does a lot and I still haven't figured out why.

Her hands slide into my pants, lightly pressing against the fabric of my panties, making me moan. I can already feel myself getting warm. Is it hot in here?

Emily slides my pants down to my ankles before coming back up to kiss the inside of my thighs, making me squirm with each kiss as she gets closer to where I want her to be.


My eyes open as my head starts pounding, making me wince in pain. What the fuck did I drink last night? I look beside me to see Emily fast asleep, the sheets covering her up. Did we...I look under the covers to see that I am wearing absolutely nothing.

Holy shit... Did we sleep together?! A thousand thoughts run through my head as I try and figure out what exactly happened last night but nothing seems to come to mind.

Should I get out of bed and go to my room and pretend like nothing happened? Does Emily remember? Is she going to freak out when she wakes up to see me and her naked in the same bed? Was she as drunk as me?

Before I can answer that, Emily starts to stir in her sleep, indicating she is about to wake up. I do the only thing that comes to mine.

Fake sleep.

I try my best to keep my eyes closed as the bed moves with Emily's movements. I think she just sat up. She's probably staring at me. I hear her mumble shit before she jumps up from the bed.

Something tells me, she doesn't remember any of this either.


It feels like an hour has gone by since I have been laying here in Emily's bed, trying to figure out how to act when I see her. Should I pretend like I don't remember any of it? I only remember us hardcore kissing and then the part where she took my pants off but that's all I can think of.

But I can't lay here all day and try to ignore her. I just have to go with it. Maybe see what she says first. I'll let her bring it up.

I open my eyes to see Emily is no longer in here which doesn't surprise me since I heard the shower turn on earlier. I should probably shower first before I try and go find Emily.

I get up out of the bed and walk to the guest bedroom where I stay at. I grab a nice shirt and jeans with my flats before walking to the bathroom that's connected to it.

When the shower runs hot, I jump in, trying to prepare myself for when I come face to face with Emily.

Why did I have to get drunk last night?! Why would Emily let me get that drunk to begin with? Did she want me to get drunk so she could take advantage of me?

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