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Emily's POV

The words replay in my head the entire time I lay next to Alison. She can't fall in love with me. It will only hurt her in the end. She knew coming into this lifestyle with me is not like any other normal relationship. Falling in love isn't one of them and it scares me. I've never had any of my subs tell me that they love me. Coming from Alison, hits different than anything else.

I don't know how I feel about it or even know what to say. What if she mentions it when she wakes up? How do I tell her that I refuse to let myself fall in love with one of my subs? It will hurt her and that's the last thing I want.

Alison is innocent on so many levels and I'm no where near that. I am not the one for her and I don't think she sees that. She's just a temporary sub until I get bored of her.

At least I keep telling myself that. It's how it was with all of my other ones anyways. Once they ceased to bore me, I released them. But with Ali, it seems impossible for her to bore me. She's intoxicating and so much different than the rest of them.

I need air. I need time to think about what I need to do.


I hear Alison's footsteps come down the stairs as I cook lunch. Her yawn echoes through the kitchen, making me smile slightly.

"Hey, beautiful." She whispers sleepily, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. Her arms bring me comfort and warmth. I can't help but to lean back into her touch.

"Breakfast is almost ready." I say, as I flip the omelet over on to the other side.

"It smells good." She states, kissing the side of my neck, making me intense. Not in a bad way. I'm just still thinking about this morning. Her hands slide down closer to the wast line of my shorts, making my heart race.

"Ali." I warn her before she can even think about it. It's not that I don't want her to because I do. I just need more time to think about what she said. I hate that she said it but at the same time, it makes my heart nervous.

"Are you okay?" She asks, her voice faltering.

"Yes, I'm sorry. My mind is on work." I lie. I don't want to have to talk about how I feel. It will end badly.

"Let me take your mind off of it." She suggests, turning me around to face her. My eyes drift down to a now shirtless Alison, her black lace bra revealing most of her. Damn.

"Ali, I'm cooking." I shrug her off the best I can even though right now, I want to pick her up and push her against the wall. I turn around and push the omelet around on the pan to distract myself.

"Okay..." She finally takes the hint and steps away from me. I hate that I'm rejecting her but what she said is messing with my mind more than it should. If she was any of my other subs, I would release her. But I can't do the same to her. I would be devastated without Alison.

And the thought of her being with anyone else makes my blood boil. I don't want the thought of someone else touching what is mine so I give in.

I sigh and turn the oven off. I can't stand the idea of upsetting her. I turn around and press my lips against hers, picking her up in the process. She gives me a smile when she pulls away.

"Work may be on my mind, but that doesn't mean we can't have a good day." I tell her as I walk her into the bedroom.


Alison's POV

After hours of me and Emily messing around in bed, I finally got tired and had fallen asleep. She had left a note whenever I woke back up, saying that she and Hanna went on a ride to go look at a business site. I guess it's the one that was on her mind earlier.

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