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Alison's POV

Emily's hand stays intertwined with mine as she leads me upstairs. A thousand thoughts are going through my head and I'm probably wrong about every single one of them. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. More nervous than anything because I don't know what I'm about to walk into or what Emily is about to tell me.

She's serious about it and I can tell.

I'm lead down the hallway before we stop in front of the door. The door that freaked Emily out when I was trying to get in it.  I look over at Emily to see she is slightly nervous. I give her a curious look.

"I'm about to show you something and if what is behind this closed door scares you, you can leave at any given time. I won't make you stay if you don't want to." I nod my head, speechless. I want to know what's behind it that has Emily so nervous about showing me.

She takes a key from her pocket and unlocks the door slowly. She gives me one last look before twisting the knob and pushing it open. She steps aside for me to walk in first. Whenever I walk in, it's pitch dark. I hear the sound of a click before the lights turn on.

My eyes immediately widen. I didn't exactly know what I was about to walk into but this didn't come to my mind. Not even close.

A playroom.

I look over at Emily to see her watching me, waiting for me to react or say something. "A-Are you a Dominant?" My voice is barely above a whisper, scared.

"Yes, I am."

I continue to look around at all the different equipment in the room, each one scaring me even more. To think that she used these floggers and whips on other girls. Other girls have been in this room. She has done this stuff to others. I'm not the first person which means I won't be the last.


"If you want to leave, I will understand." She cuts me off, her expression neutral.

"I don't want to leave." I immediately say.  "Can I ask you something?" She nods her head. "How many girls have you been with? Like in this lifestyle?" She looks down at the ground, almost shamefully. She looks me in the eyes.

"Only eight." I nod my head, not knowing what to say. It's a lot but not as much as I thought she was going to say.

"What happened to them?"

"They were released."

"Released?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I let them go, the contract ending."

"I still don't understand."

"There's a contract you have to sign before becoming my submissive. If you break a rule in that contract, you get punished. If you act out too many times and I don't see you fit to be my sub, I release you, the contract no longer existing and you are to move on with your life without telling anyone about it." I nod my head in understanding.

"Is this why you won't sleep with me? Because of your lifestyle?" Emily nods her head. "Why do you have to be in the lifestyle?"

"It's who I am. It's what I do for pleasure."

"Are-Are you wanting to be in that lifestyle with me?" I ask, my heart racing.

"Only if you are willing to submit yourself completely to me."

"And if I'm not willing to?"

"I will let you go back to your friends and you will continue on with your life, pretending as if nothing happened."

"I can't just pretend like nothing happened, Emily. That isn't fair!"

"I'll give you time to think about your decision," Emily states, ignoring what I just said.


"You need to eat, Alison." Emily's voice is stern but I don't care. I'm ignoring her at the moment. I have every right to be upset with her. She can't expect me to just disappear from her life and pretend like nothing happened if I were to say no.

"I said I am not hungry," I state, crossing my arms with an attitude.

"Fine." She gets up from the kitchen table and walks away.

Hanna sighs at this. I look over at her and give her a questioning look. "Giving her an attitude is not a good idea, I'm just saying." She raises her arms up.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's what makes her want to punish you. Her walking away was for your sake, not hers." Hanna informs me.

"Oh." Is all I manage to say.

"Look, I'm not going to try and talk you into it but Emily takes her lifestyle very seriously. It isn't some kind of game she plays. It's her life. She treats her submissive the way they should be treated. She will go through hell and back to make sure her sub is safe and happy. She only punishes them if they don't do something she asks or if they break a rule but it's part of the contract." I nod my head.

I think you would be a great sub to her but only you can decide that for yourself. At least be willing to try it, and if it doesn't work out, she will let you go. But at least you can say you tried instead of wondering how things would have turned out if you would have just said yes."

"Okay, I will think about it." Hanna gives me a small smile before pushing my plate of food toward me. "But you do need to eat or I will eat it for you." I shake my head with a smile before digging into the food.


"Emily, can I talk to you?" I ask quietly, standing in the doorway of Emily's room. She looks up, her expression is hard to read. She nods her head so I walk to her bed and sit beside her.

"I'm willing to try." She looks at me, her eyes lighting up a little. "I want to try and be your sub." I repeat myself with better wording.

"Are you sure it's what you want?" Emily asks.

"It's what I want." I answer with a nod of my head. She gives me a small smile.

"There's a lot we need to go over before you make your final decision, Alison. I want you to be one hundred percent sure it's what you want before you jump into things with me."

"I understand."

"I will go over the basic rules with you to make sure you understand them and then we will sit down and talk about the contract which can be negotiable to mine and your liking."


"If there's something in the contract you aren't willing to try, I will need to know so I can take it off. Whatever is on the paper once you sign it, is what you will be expected to do and try with me if there is to be a punishment."

"When do we go over the contract?"

"Whenever you are ready to. There is no rush." I nod my head. "You need to get some sleep, it's late." She looks at the clock which reads ten fifteen.

"Can I sleep in here with you?" I ask, worried she's going to tell me no.

"Of course." She gets under the covers before raising them for me to slip in beside her.

She grabs me by the waist and pulls me in closer to her, my ass pressed firmly against her front.

I let out a small breath before closing my eyes, my thoughts in all kinds of places at once.

What am I getting myself into?

Shorrrrrrtttt chapter!! I'm sorry but I wanted to get something up:)

Question: How would you all feel about a story involving Alison, Emily, and Hanna in a relationship?

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