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Alison's POV

As soon as we had gotten back to Emily's house, she had Hanna hang my clothes up in the closet of the room I have been staying in. I tried to protest but Emily said it's part of Hanna's job. But I insisted on putting my bras and panties up. I don't want Hanna knowing what they look like but I'm sure she will know when she goes to wash clothes.

As I sit down on the couch, I can feel Emily eyeing me. She's probably waiting for me to bring up with what happened in the elevator and then at the mall. But I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I have never seen that side of her before.

I didn't even know that part of her existed. It came out of nowhere. I was too shocked to do anything or say anything. I mean how was I supposed to react? I never kissed someone before so it's not like I could have just leaned in and kissed her with confidence.

I'm not experienced in anything sexual. At least not willingly.

"Do you want something to drink?" Emily finally says something, probably trying to lighten the mood. It's pretty intense between the two of us. I can tell things between us is on a whole another different level.

I know what she wants now.


"I'm good, thanks." I say quietly. This is way too awkward. Should I break the ice and just tell her that I'm not into her like that?

Or should I tell her the truth?

Emily comes around the couch and sits down next to me. Closer than she should be. My heart rate picks up.

"I don't want things between us to be awkward." You and me both. "But I need to know now. Do you like me?" Her voice is sincere but I can hear the worry in the back of her voice. Worried about rejection.

But I can't do this. I can't get involved with her. She's protective over me now. I can't imagine how it would be if we were together. I don't want her to get hurt by my dad. She doesn't know him. I'm already risking her life by just being here. But I couldn't take it being there anymore.

"I-I'm sorry, Emily." I look down at my hands, feeling sorry. I can't lie to her face but I have to. I look back to her already frowning. "But I-I don't like you that way." I can feel tears wanting to form but I don't let them.

"So you're telling me that you don't have any feelings for me at all?" She questions which I nod my head to. "So this doesn't affect you." Her hand lands on my upper thigh causing my heart to race faster. Keep it together Alison. I shake my head, making her hand go further up my leg.

It takes everything in me to not squirm. I can feel myself getting warm. Her eyes stay trained to mine as her hand moves over to the inner side of my leg, a few centimeters away from where I want her hand to be. Without thinking, my right leg moves away from my left leg.

Emily grins at this and pulls away. "You might not think you want me but your body says otherwise, Little Girl."  

My breath catches in my throat but she doesn't notice. She gets up and walks away, leaving me speechless.


"So you're staying with someone you barely know?" Aria questions, her voice disapproving. I nod my head as her eyes watch me through the video chat. "You could have stayed with me." She gives me a sad look, knowing that as much as she wants that to happen, it wouldn't have. Her grandparents didn't really like me for some unknown reason.

"It's fine. Being here is actually kind of nice. I have a room I stay in and Emily makes sure I have everything I need." I smile at this. Aria squints her eyes at me. "What?"

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