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Not an update but there will be one soon. Just wanted advice for my next coming book after this one is finished;)

I have two story lines and can't decide which one to do. I would appreciate the advice from my amazing readers🥰

Okay, the first one is about Emily being the maid for Alison's parents because she needs the money for her mom who is dying. She becomes quite fond over the blonde as she begins to help her tutor since her parents are on her ass and then you know how the rest pretty much goes. There will be lots of drama for sure:)

Second one, don't know if you have heard of the new show called Siren, but it would be following that plot line kind of. In this case, Emily would be the one to be the mermaid and comes to land in seek of help for food for her and her family. She meets Hanna and Alison who are together as a couple and somehow manages to fit in with them and they end up falling for each other. It sounds better in my head, I promise. And it will be if you are willing to give it a chance.

So giving those two plot lines, which one should I write next?🙏🤭

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