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Alison's POV

My eyes run over the paper slowly, reading every word carefully. I don't want to misread something and then sign it and it be something that I'm not okay with. I can tell Emily is very serious about her lifestyle. She has me in an office that apparently has existed in this house since before I moved in.

I stumble across something that shocks me. It's definitely not something I would be comfortable with. "Can you cross off anal?" Emily gives me a hesitating look.

"You aren't even up for trying it?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Absolutely not." Emily sighs but crosses it out anyways. "And what kind of clamps are we talking about?" I fold my hands, doing my best to be professional about everything. Her eyes look down to my chest. "Please cross that off the list." A frown appears on her face but she does as I please. "I'm okay with rope ties, cable ties, and handcuffs." She nods as I continue. "I will not accept chains."


"I'm not okay with being gagged." I shake my head, as my eyes still scan the paper. I'm trying my hardest to not say no to everything. Only because most of it scares me.

After going over everything with her, I put the pen down and look up at Emily who is staring at me intently. Everything else seems to be okay with me for the most part. If I missed any then I guess I will have to deal with it. I have scanned over it at least fifty times to make sure I didn't.

"I want you to be aware that you signing this contract, it is you submitting yourself completely to me. You will no longer have the control that you normally would have. Your tasks that are given are to be done in a timely manner. If not done by the time given, you will be punished. Do you understand?" I nod my head yes. "Another thing. I would like to be addressed as Mistress when it is convenient. When you are ready you are allowed to sign the contract. I'm in no hurry for you to do so."

"I'll need a few days." I agree.

"You got it, Ms. Dilaurentis." I smile at this.


"I'll be gone for the day, but I'll be back tomorrow first thing in the morning," Emily informs me which makes me frown. "Don't do anything too crazy while I am away. Call me if you need anything." She gives me a kiss on the cheek before she heads to the elevator.

"Em, wait." She turns back around only for me to press my lips against hers softly but with a little force. Once she pulls away, she gives me a small smile and then disappears into the elevator.


"And why are we not going to Noel Khan's party?" Aria asks for like the third time since she has been sitting on my bed in the guest bedroom.  I never pegged her as the party type but I guess she's more so than me and Spencer.

"We are trying to study." Spencer reminds her with a serious look as she fixes her eyeglasses.

"You mean you are." Aria shoots back with a laugh. "Live a little, Spence. You don't have to be smart right now. You're not in school." 

"I kind of want to go to the party, too, Spencer." I encourage, trying to help Aria out. I need to let loose to clear the tension inside of me.

"Really? I know how this is going to go. You two are going to get wasted and then I will be the one trying to take care of the both of you." Me and Aria shrug our shoulders. She isn't wrong. "I don't think Emily will like the idea of you at a party she knows nothing about. And I don't know about you guys, but she terrifies me."

"Emily is not that scary." I defend her.

"Ali, she owns this house and she could probably easily shut down any company she wanted to." Spencer informs.

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