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Next chapter is upppp!!!You all continue to amaze me with how much dedication you put into my story! I can't thank you enough for all of your support. I hope you enjoy this one:)

Alison's POV

One month later...

I pick up my glass of red wine as my eyes stay trained on Emily who is over on the other side of the room talking to the girl I met in the elevator. I think her name was Cece or something. I'm slightly irritated that Emily had invited her to the party she had decided to throw as a get-together. Apparently, she does it once a year.

It takes everything in me to not go over there and smack that smile off of her face as she stares at Emily. It's like she's hanging on to every word that comes from Emily's mouth. I think I'm about to get sick.

The moment I see Cece's hand land on Emily's arm, I stand up from my stool only for Spencer to grab my wrist. "I don't think that's such a good idea." She states making me roll my eyes.

"She's about to see my bitchy side if she doesn't get her hand off of Emily." I snarl, jerking my arm from Spencer's grasp.

"Relax, Ali." Aria says in a small voice. "Emily is very much into you."

"Yeah, well, right now it seems like she's into that blonde whore." I glare at Cece and Emily from across the room. If only looks could kill right now.

"I imagine they are talking about a business project." Spencer suggests.

"Well, they can talk about it without her hand on Emily's arm. I can't watch this." I walk away from my friends and head out on to the balcony. My eyes stay trained on the big buildings surrounding the house trying to clear my mind.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs air." A guys voice comes from behind me. I turn around to see a slightly older guy with black curly hair, blue eyes, and a cute boyish smile. I smile back, not really knowing what to say. "How do you know Ms. Fields?"

I sigh mentally. Emily doesn't want anyone knowing about her lifestyle. I never really thought about a lie to tell someone who asks. "It's complicated." I laugh, hoping he drops it.

"I have a lot of those." He smiles, coming to stand beside me near the railing. "I'm Ezra Fitzgerald." He holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Alison Dilaurentis." I shake his hand before pulling away quickly. The last thing I need is Emily getting upset with me over something that doesn't exist. Even though she seems to be content with talking to Cece all night.

"So, did you come here with anybody?" He asks shyly. I smile at this.

"My two friends. They suggested me to come here and there's no telling them otherwise, considering they won't take no for an answer." It was only half a lie. Emily said I didn't have a choice. That she wanted me to be here wearing the red dress that I have on right now. I couldn't exactly argue with her.

Ezra laughs at my answer. "My brother has had this huge crush on Emily for the longest time. He drags me to this event every year."

"Somehow, I don't think your brother is her type." I joke.

"I don't think so either." He laughs. "I'm beginning to think Emily is only her type."

"What do you mean?"

"She hasn't introduced us to anyone in the last five years since the event thing has been going on." I only nod my head. So she doesn't even let anyone meet whoever she is dating?

"Am I interrupting something?" Emily's voice startles me. I turn my attention to her to see she has an irritated look on her face. I can feel Ezra glancing at both of us.

"No, not at all, Ms. Fields." I decide to be the one to speak since he doesn't. Ezra clears his throat before leaving, giving me a small smile on his way back in to be polite.

"Did you enjoy talking to him?" Emily asks, her tone slightly angry.

"Not as much as you enjoying talking to Cece." I shoot back with a glare.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You have been talking to her all night, Emily. You have barely spoken a word to me since she showed up."

"We were talking about a business that is up for sale. She wasn't sure if she should take it or not." She shrugs her shoulders.

"And that requires her to touch you?" I shoot back.

"She's just being friendly."

"Well, she can be friendly to someone else." I snap. Emily only smiles. "What?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Are you jealous?"

"Seriously, Emily?!" I slightly yell but not enough to cause a scene. "I'm your girlfriend, not hers. You might as well introduce her to everyone as yours." I go to walk by but Emily catches my arm forcefully.

"You need to watch your tone with me, Little Girl." She hisses, her eyes filled with irritation.

"I think I'm going to call it a night." Is all I say before taking my arm back from her and walking away.


Just as I am about to fall asleep, the guess bedroom door opens. I don't even have to look to know it's Emily. She's probably here to scold me for being rude with her earlier.

"Ali, are you awake?" Her voice is light, almost like she's afraid to wake me up. But I know that isn't the case.

I lay in bed for a few seconds, my back facing hers, before turning around to see Emily already laying beside me. She's watching me carefully, almost like she's trying to read my thoughts.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I sigh, closing my eyes.

"Don't be." She states, making me open my eyes again.

"I shouldn't have acted the way I did." I look anywhere else but at her. I hate admitting when I'm wrong.

"You acted the way you did because of me. You're right. I should have been talking to you the most at the party. It was wrong of me not to. So I am the one that should be apologizing and I am."

"Ezra told me something that has been bothering me all night." I say, looking into her eyes. They are filled with curiosity. "He said for the past five years, you never introduced anyone as your partner." Emily nods her head, understanding.

"I don't like any of those people knowing my personal life and who I date."

"Why not?"

"It's none of their business for one." She shrugs her shoulders. "Two, anyone who has it out for me, can easily make that person in my life an easy target. In this case, you." I stay quiet. "I have a lot of people at that party who resent me and dislike me. Especially one particular person which I'm glad you didn't run across. She's a bitch."

Emily tucks my hair behind my ear. "It is my job to protect you, to make sure you are always safe." I smile at this. "I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you on my account."

My heart rate speeds up as I stare into her eyes longer. They are filled with so many emotions. I have never had anyone look at me the way she does. And I have never felt this way toward anyone I knew.

"Get some sleep." Emily goes to stand up but I stop her.

"Can you stay with me?" She nods her head before laying back down beside me.

I move closer to her and rest my head on her shoulder, throwing my leg over hers. I feel her lips kiss the side of my head as she pulls me closer. I close my eyes with a smile as I snuggle next to her.

I think I'm in love with her.

TADA! This chapter is doneeee! Let me know what you think! Sorry about the long wait, but work has been hectic and exhausting! I loved all the comments, they made me smile! Once again, thank youuuu.

My next goal is 60 votes and 40 comments before my next update;)

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