NightClan Territory

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Nightclans territory is beside BlizzardClan and ScorchClans territory. Their territory is primarily forests, mostly consisting of pines and oaks. The area is pretty dry but there are a few small streams here and there. theres also a lake in there territory. It's pretty cold in NightClans territory because it's in the shadow of a giant mountain. so it seems no matter what time of day it is their territory is mostly covered in darkness.

The The prey that you can find here is usually, snakes, lizards, some birds, mice, and squirrels.

The herbs you can find here are, Nightshade, Hollyberries, Foxgloves, Death berries, Yarrow, Willow leaves, Wild garlic, Tormentil, Tansy, Stinging nettle, Sorrel (rare), Rush(rare), rasberry, Poppyseeds, Oak leaf, Marigold (rare), Juniper berries, Ivy leaf, Honey, Heather nectar, Fennel, Dock, Dandelion, daisy leaf, Cob web, Cob nuts, Chervil, Catchweed, Burnet, Burdock root, Borage, Blackberry, Bindweed, and beech leaves.

When you're Role Playing choose a location and put brackets before you RP Example: [CAVE OF NO LIGHT] I walked through the hollow where apprentices took there final tests

This way people know where you are and wont be like: I tackled you. (or something) even though you're no where near each other. If you're not in any of the areas then just type [FOREST] before you type.

The Areas that you can go to are

Cave of no light, here is where apprentices will fight off other nightclan cats and see how good there skills are as there final test. Pretty far from camp.

Pines Decent, This is an area where the land drops into a sudden cliff, the trees here, which are mostly pine trees, grow in such a way that it seems that they will fall at any moment. Relatively far from camp.

Lake of Shadows, here is a lake, but because of the lighting it seems like its just a pit into darkness. Pretty far from camp.

Tigers gorge, This is a gorge where they say that only those who posses the tigers spirit are able to leap this. Relatively close to camp.

BlizzardClans border, The territorys are divided at the foot of the mountains. Extreamly far from camp

ScorchClans border, The territorys are divided by fallen dead trees. Extreamly far from camp

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