NightClan Camp

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Here is NightClans camp

There are two entrances, the main entrance is a large cave opening in the side of the cliff that is lined with thorn bushes with a makeshift opening about the size of a tail length to get in. By the side of the entrance on the cave walls are high ledges about a tail length wide for the clan cats to sit on and guard. About 6 rabbit lengths away another line of thorn bushes go from one cave wall to the other without a normal opening to get in the camp. This leaves quite a large area for any type of battling and what not. There is a secret entrance off to the side by the left cave wall that leads past the inner line of thorn bushes so you can get into camp.

The camp itself is more of like a long cylider shape. The cave walls are about 15 rabbit lengths apart and from the ground to roof it's about 20 Rabbit lengths. There are multiple tunnels that lead off into different dens. There is also several pools of water caused by condensation around the camp for cats to drink from. There are no holes in the cave roof to allow light in soit's pretty dark but it doesn't bother the Nightclan cats since they have extraordinary night vision.

The leaders den is at the back of the cave where a ledge rests about 10 rabbit lengths from the ground. The ledge itself is about 2 tail lengths wide and there are some stones jutting out of the side of the cave wall where you can jump on to get up to the ledge. A 5 tail length dip in the wall is at the back of the ledge, there are vines draping over the opening which keep the heat in. Beyond the vines is where the leaders nest is.

By the left side of the thorn bush lining is a tunnel about a tail length tall and wide that leads to the warriors den. The tunnel stretches to about 7 Tail lengths where it then opens up to a small cave. It's about 15 tail lengths long, 10 tail lengths high, and 12 tail lengths wide. The cave curves into a circle. This is where the warriors sleep.

There is a tunnel on the left side of the thorn bush lining. The tunnel is 5 tail lengths long and slopes downward and leads to a cave that is 6 tail lengths high, 10 tail lengths wide and 5 tail lengths long. This is where the apprentices sleep.

Between the warrior den and the leaders den is a tunnel that curves into an S shape and leads into a small cave. The cave is 5 tail lengths long and wide and 6 tail lengths tall. The floor is covered in moss and feathers and this is where the nursery is.

The medicine cats den is right beside the leaders den on the left side. The den is a large dip in the cave wall about 10 tail lengths long and the entrance is 5 tail lengths high. Bracken and vines cover most of the entrance but inside the den are tons of nooks and crannys used for storing herbs.

Right between the medicine cats den and the apprentices den is a tunnel that leads to the elders den. The tunnel is 3 tail lengths long and leads to a cave which is 8 tail lengths long and 10 tail lengths wide and is 4 tail lengths tall.

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