Chapter 7

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"So what do you have to say?"
Your P.O.V.
I looked at all the boys surrounding me. "We're Sorry." They all apologized to me. I laughed and went to go take seat. "Shouldn't you go to a hospital?" Namjoon asked worryingly. "I'm used to this happening." I said.

They all looked at me and I looked at them. "Are you going to leave?" I asked. "We want you to be safe." Yoongi said. I left upstairs not wanting to see them.

Namjoon P.O.V.
"What now?" Jungkook asked. "I'll go talk to him." I said. "I'll come too." Yoongi said. They walked upstairs and knocked on his door.
"M/N can we come in?"I asked.

I heard footsteps coming toward us. M/N opened the door. He looked at us and went back to bed. We came closer and went to bed with him. M/N was facing me while Yoongi was on the other side.

"Talk to us. What's wrong?" I asked. "You left me and never answered me." M/N said. "We didn't mean to." Yoongi said. "Then why didn't you answer." M/N said holding back tears. "Our manager took away all our phones he said we had to focus on the tour." I said to him.

The room went silent. I started to feel small punches. "You're lying." M/N said. "We aren't." I said. "I can tell a lie so tell me the truth." M/N said. "Fine we lost our phones at the airport." I said. He looked at me. And then turned to Yoongi.

"I hate you so much." M/N said. "Why?" Yoongi asked. "Because I started to like some of you but you left me." M/N said. "We won't leave you I promise." I said. Tears started to fall down M/N face.

"You don't realize how lonely I've been. I had Min Hyuk but he had to go to school and work." I said. "What is your relationship with him by the way?" Yoongi asked. "Friends." Min Hyuk said from the door.

He walked up to all of us. He grabbed M/N gently. "Are you Ok?" Min Hyuk asked. "Yes." M/N said. Min Hyuk hugged M/N. "Don't do that I got so scared." Min Hyuk said. A meow was heard afterwards.

"Imagine How Ji Hyun feels." Min Hyuk said. M/N bent down and started to pet Ji Hyun. "I'm sorry." M/N said. Ji Hyun meowed. "So uh M/N are we ok?" Jimin asked. "Not really I'm still a bit salty." M/N said.

(Time Skip)

Your P.O.V.
We were all sitting in the living room. Ji Hyun was on Min Hyuk, Min Hyuk was on me, I was in Namjoon. "I'm still mad at all of you." I said. "Yes we know that is why we are not leaving you until you forgive us." Jungkook said. "And what about practice?" I asked. "Well we have about a month off." Jin said.

I heard a knock on the door got up, sadly disturbing Ji Hyun and Min Hyuk. I open the door to see Soo and Woo. "How are you here, you're supposed to be gone for a couple more weeks." I said.

One I'm sorry for taking so long and two I use my friend's name a lot Jae. He's the person that gives me a lot of

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