Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V.
I walked down holding hands with Namjoon. I grabbed the door knob and was about to turn it but Namjoon pulled me back. "What is it?" I asked. He kissed my cheek. "I don't know when the next time I might kiss you." Namjoon said smirking. I rolled my eyes and open the door.

I walked for a little and then Namjoon cam after. "Hey I need to talk to you." Jin said. "What is it?" I asked. "We have a concert tomorrow but I wanted to know if you are ok with it?" Jin asked. "I am but I thought you had a month off." I said. (I don't remember if I put this in the story but they have a month off)

"We are but we need to do this concert." Jin said. "I'm fine with it go tell the others." I said. Jin walked away and I followed him. "Hey we have a concert tomorrow." Jin said. "What!" Namjoon said. "We have to leave sadly." Jin said.

They all got into a van they called over. "Wait before we leave I need to ask a question." Namjoon said. "Yes?" Jin asked. "Can M/N come with us to the concert?" Namjoon asked. "I don't see why not." Jin said. Namjoon got happy and left.

I cleaned up and left with Soo, Woo and Ying. "Well it's all clean and everyone left." I said. "Ok now go to sleep you are going to a concert tomorrow." Soo said. "Oh yeah I forgot. GoodNight." I said running to my room. I closed the door and went to bed.

The next morning

I woke up and got excited. I grabbed my phone and texted Namjoon.

You: Namjoon!

Namjoon: yes?

You: What should I wear?

Namjoon: something...revealing ;)

You: I'm not going anymore

Namjoon: joking you'll look good in anything

You: Thanks but Namjoon can you bring your sweater?

Namjoon: y

You: you'll see

I put down and went to take a shower. I got out dried myself. I put on something revealing I guess. A crop top and short short. I got a text from Jin to come down. I ran down and went to their van.

"M-M/N." Namjoon said blushing. "You have the sweater?" I asked. Namjoon nodded and gave it to me. I put it on and went in. I sat next to Yoongi at the back. "Ready?" Jin asked. I nodded and he drove off.

I looked over at Yoongi. "Yoongi I need to talk to you." I whispered. "What is it?" Yoongi asked. "I'm dating Namjoon." I whispered. "I know he told me today." Yoongi said. "Are you mad?" I asked. "I was mad and sad at first but I'm happy I get to be friends at least." Yoongi said. "Weird never seen you so soft like this." I giggled a bit grabbing Namjoon attention.

"What's so funny?" Namjoon asked. "Nothing." I replied. He got mad and turned away.

Time Skip

We were out and I had to go from the back. I waited for them to be done with the paparazzi. "Ok we are done." Namjoon said. "Ok now go to make up...who is this?" PDnim asked. "He's our friend." Namjoon said. "Ok then he has to be with you." PDnim said.

I followed them to get their make up done. "Ok so Exo is first then Blackpink then NCT then you guys." PDnim said. I wait silently looking at my phone. Namjoon came and sat next to me.

"Hey I'm done." Namjoon said. He put his hand on my thigh slowly going higher. "We only dated for a day not yet." I said. "M/N theirs a problem though." Namjoon said. "What?" I said. "I'm kinda horny." Namjoon said. "Namjoon!" I yelled. "Can you know." Namjoon said looking at his eggplant. "No you'll have to deal with it yourself plus fans will love that." I laughed.

Time Skip

Now they were getting their clothes. Their stylist was stuck in traffic. "Ok so uh how are we going to do this?" Jin asked. "PDnim can I style them?" I asked. "Do you have a sense of fashion." PDnim asked. "Well let see if the fans will like it." I said.

I put them in their clothes except for Namjoon. "So What's for me?" Namjoon asked. "Here leather pants and a sleeveless shirt to show your arms." I said. "At least I'm not you know any more." Namjoon laughed. "Oh are you sure?" I said putting my hand down to his member grabbing it.

He changed to his clothes and you can obviously see his boner. I laughed and then they had to go to the stage. I walked with them and saw them leave as I laugh a bit. In cam NCT.

"What's so funny?" I heard a person from behind. I turned around and saw a guy. "Oh it's nothing." I said. "Sure it is but anyway I'm Johnny for NCT." Johnny said. "Hi I'm M/N a friend of BTS." I said.

Time Skip

Namjoon P.O.V.
We were done and I went looking for M/N. I saw him sitting in the corner with a guy. "Wait so he got a boner." The guy laughed. "Yeah I said laughing. M/N stood up. "I have to find him to leave." I said. M/N walked and bumped into me. I left walking.

He came running to me and grabbed me. I walked to the back door. "Wait Namjoon!"
M/N yelled. "Don't." I said shoving him. M/N fell to the floor and I walked away. Leaving him.

I went to the van I felt a raindrop. "Where is M/N?" Jungkook asked. "He left already." I said. "Ok then let's go." Jin said driving away.

Johnny P.O.V.
We were driving in 3 separate vans. I saw out the window a guy in the floor and I notice his face, it was M/N. "Stop." I said. I ran out the stopped car and carried M/N. "Who is he?" Yuta asked. "A friend." I said.

That's it...Wait I have to say one thing

Getting that NCT it their :3

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