Chapter Seven: You Oughta Know

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Ian was able to leave the hospital by the end of the week, so as we could properly mourn little Ian at the local cemetery. Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Carl, and Liam were all in attendance as well, and I was shocked when Josh unexpectedly showed up. I handed over my keys to Ian as soon as the ceremony was over, telling him I would be along in a moment. We exchanged a knowing glance before I stepped towards Josh, and, thankfully, the rest of my siblings took a hint and slipped away from the two of us.

"I'm so sorry about everything, Murphy," Josh said gently, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "How are you holding up?" he asked.

I smiled. "It's getting better. I think the whole family support system is something that really works for me, you know?"

Josh nodded. "Your file says you were adopted at three months?"

I gave a slight nod at that. "Yeah. I didn't find my biological family until August of this year and it was quite a shock."

"You never expected so many siblings?"

"Or a twin," I replied, laughing, before remembering why Josh and I were here, and I forced the smile from my lips.

Josh stepped forward then, his dark brown eyes looking genuinely concerned as he took my hand in his, and I couldn't deny the notion that my heartbeat quickened. "You okay?" he asked, his voice quiet, and his tone sincere.

"Mmm-hmm," I replied, my eyes locking onto his, trying to remember how to breathe. "I'm fine, Josh, really..."

Josh sighed. "I hate to ask, but... Is the father involved?" he asks, his eyes lowering to my stomach, which had continued to grow by the day. "I mean, if he is, I don't want to just step in and ruin anything..."

I shook my head. "It was a one-night-stand," I reply. "An ex of someone I know—it's not important to go into the details. He's out of the country, and he's likely to stay there."

"For work?"

"For protection," I reply. "He's...wanted, up here. And, given my loyalty to this baby, I don't think I should get into details."

Josh nodded. "I understand," he replied. "But... There's nothing between you?"

I shook my head. "Other than a few fleeting minutes of what I hope was drunken passion, no. I can honestly say there's nothing between me and him."

Josh let go of my hand then, hesitating, before bringing his hand up to my face, where he gently brushed his knuckles against my cheek. He trailed his thumb along my bottom lip, and, although I found a part of me wanted to, I didn't respond orally to it, but physically—that was another matter entirely. Josh's eyes widened then when my entire body seemed to spasm at his touch, and his eyes locked to mine again.

He quickly moved to withdraw his hand. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be," I replied, reaching out and returning his hand to my face. "Look, I know it's complicated—me being pregnant and all—and I won't ask for anything, really..."

Josh smiled. "Well, maybe after the baby's born, if you want to get together sometime, I would be open for that."

I returned his smile then. "I would like that."

Josh kept right on smiling, leaning in and kissing my cheek. "Well, I guess I'll end up seeing you around the hospital—"

"Murphy!" we heard from behind us then, and, turning, I saw Lip coming towards us in the speed that was considered just top for a cemetery.

"Lip?" I asked. "Something wrong?"

"I think Liam's getting sick or something," Lip replied, giving Josh a heated look. "Fiona wants to get him home..."

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