Chapter Twelve: Found Out About You

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"We could always turn back now, and pull a Debbie," Ian said as we continued driving through the night, at the outskirts of downtown.

I flipped my hair back, its roots already caked in sweat, and resumed the death glare I'd been giving him earlier. "I've told you before, Ian," I said, attempting to keep my voice down, due to the confined space of the car, "I want to deliver Iana in a fucking hospital. How many times do I have to tell you that? We pregnant women are a point of contention in the population, and I respect that, but we've got rights, too."

Ian smirked, negotiating between the other cars on the road as we drove towards the hospital as the minutes on my car clock ticked closer to midnight. "I know, Murphy—I'm just fucking with you, really."

"Well, don't," I replied, gritting my teeth as I worked on focusing on my breathing. "I love you, Ian, really I do, but I really just want straight conversation from here on in..."

"Well, that's going to be an issue," Ian replied. "Should I deepen my voice a little? Should I talk about how much I love the opposite sex?"

I gave him a look like he was insane. "Sarcasm is not what I meant!" I grumbled, letting out a small scream as another contraction ripped through me. "Fuck!" I screamed, leaning back against my seat, relieved that the car seat had been set up by Ian and left in the back seat earlier that week, to ensure the hospital would let us go home after the birth. "Dammit! I really hope this isn't going too quickly..."

"Why?" Ian asked.

I sighed. "Once the woman hits ten centimeters, then she can't have any pain medication!" I yelled back at him, no longer having any concern for his hearing. "And once that happens, I'm going to be dying more than I am now!"

"You're not dying," Ian said gently as we reached the other side of downtown. "Trust me—I've seen plenty of pregnant women on my routes. You're going to be—"

"You're not a fucking expert on the subject, Ian!" I yelled, hating myself for speaking this way, but wanting the pain to go away as quickly as possible. "I don't care if you've seen three, or three thousand women on your routes—you're not a pregnancy expert!"

Ian nodded. "I know. We're all good at our own things, Murph," he said, looking over at me then, his brow furrowed. "You okay?"

I sighed, a wave of pain stopping itself, and I relaxed again. "For now."

"You going to call Josh?" Ian asked.

I shrugged. "He said he was working tonight, so he'll probably figure out I'm there..."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Well, I think I figured out the whole thing with him and Nicholas..."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." I straightened in my seat then, keeping a firm hand upon my stomach. "I told you about Nicholas's past as a thug?"

Ian tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "Yes."

"Well, apparently, Josh's brother was involved somehow, and Nicholas ended up throwing him off a building and paralyzing him," I replied.

"Shit," Ian whispered.

I nodded. "Yeah. But Josh forgave him."

"He forgave him?"

"Mmm-hmmm," I replied. "Josh said he'll never forget, but he forgave Nicholas, all because his brother, Desmond, forgave him."

"Well, more power to him, I guess," Ian replied, obviously annoyed at the fact that I still had to be in contact with Nicholas. "But I want you to be on your guard, okay?"

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