♩↝it's getting hard to breathe

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◊        ·   ♪      .           ·   .      ✵         .

·  ✧.     ·     chap. eight     ·  .      ♬

·             ○  .        ·    .       ♫     ⁚      *

⁕      ‥      ·        ∗         .   °     +        ·

jeno had given the younger one minute to hide, both setting timers on their phones.

jaemin dashed out of the room, unsure of where to hide as he and jeno usually stayed in the older's bedroom.

before the timer reached 0, he had found it.

deep into the basement, behind a wooden door in the mini bar was the spot. next to the wine cellar was the bar with two tables, one for preparing drinks, the other for serving.

a narrow door led to the small, cramped pantry, one wall with a shelf that held fruits and packets and questionable substances. the other three walls were empty.


when his timer for one minute finished, he set another for five and scrolled through instagram, patiently waiting until the minutes were over.

time went by surprisingly fast, and before he knew it, forty seconds remained.

the younger could hear jeno now, the older was presumably around in the basement, calling out, "jae! babe! cutie! baby boy!"

jaemin had to resist a snort at the pet names, and glanced down at the timer. twenty seconds left, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen...

"where'd your cute ass go?!"

fifteen, fourteen, thirteen...

jeno's voice got louder, and jaemin located the older to be somewhere by the wine cellar. his heart started pumping, thudding as triple many times as the seconds ticking by.

nine, eight...

"baby, come out~"

jaemin's breath became uneven, both from the claustrophobic space and the fact that jeno was seconds away from finding him. hopefully too many seconds away.

five, four, three--

the door to the pantry swung open, light pouring into the small space, from both outside and the lightbulb overhead as the light switch was flicked on. jaemin's eyes widened.

but then the door closed again, and a body pressed jaemin to the empty wall opposite the door.

"found you, baby boy."

🄿🄻🄰🅈 🄳🄰🅃🄴 - jaeno/nominWhere stories live. Discover now