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*flashback to earlier in the day*

real life

olivia's pov

"ragnarok or homecoming?" asked kasey. all we do is watch marvel movies, because of tom. "is that even a question??? you're not my real friend. you don't care about me." says tom.
i watch as he throws himself onto my couch next to me. he has such a big personality he's like ten people put into one.
my best friends invited themselves over because they know somethings up. i haven't been myself for a few days. i know what it is but they don't. i can tell they are worried. "liv??? liv? hellooooo?? what movie? don't mind tom, i know you love chris and tom hiddleston." i look up to kasey giving me a questioning look waiting for my decision. i slightly roll my eyes and say "homecoming, i can always watch tommy act." with a most fake smile plastered on my face. "okay i wasn't going to say anything but what's up with you? you haven't been acting yourself lately and you look more tired than usual." "thanks tom", i say.
i don't want to tell them. i will sound stupid. "there's no point of keeping it to myself i guess. i'm about to sound obsessive and annoying but it's harry." i watch their reactions and kasey slightly smiles, then frowns. "i knew it. what's happening?" before i answer i sigh, "i think i like him. and i'm concerned. if you guys didn't know he has reportedly dated kendall jenner in the past and she's been liking his pictures of me on insta and i'm just worried. what if they still have something? why wouldn't he have told me?? we have gotten so close over the past month. we haven't talked since yesterday morning." i pause, "i probably am just overreacting. i don't know."
tom slightly cringed before responding to me "i could understand where you are coming from. i knew you liked him. i did see this thing on twitter the other day but i didn't show you because i didn't want to make you upset or anything. i probably should have though." he pulls out his phone and i can already feel my stomach start to do flip flops. and not the good ones.

article: e! news

is hendall still alive?

this photo was taken yesterday at 9:42 LA time

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this photo was taken yesterday at 9:42 LA time. harry and kendall have a steamy past, are they sparking things up again?

click here to read more


i sat there starting blankly at tom's phone. i look up to see my two best friends worried. "i'm fine you guys. we are just friends. it's just a small crush anyway." i say. we all know that's a lie. i start tearing up and i'm engulfed in a three person hug. i start full on crying. why wouldn't he tell me? not even as a friend. it explains why he hasn't texted me.
"let's go out tonight. i need to party till i forget." i say. they both look at me and nod in agreement. an hour later we all meet up at tom's and go from there.

authors note: hiya. this chapter is super long IM SORRY and i'm sorry if there are errors i'm too lazy to check. lmk if there is and i will fix them lmao. and i know harry isn't stupid like this but let's just pretend he would do this😪

all the love - me 💖💖💖💖💖

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