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real life

olivia's pov

i hid behind my drink as i watched harry frantically run into the bar searching for me. tom looks at me and follows my gaze. he stands up and i don't even attempt to stop him. i feel numb. a few tears roll down my cheek.

i overhear the boy's conversation. tom tells harry, "she doesn't want to talk to you!" harry sighs "i need to talk to her. i need to explain." as tom rolls his eyes he says "and i need you to leave. i think the photo did enough explaining." i don't even know why this is such a big deal to either of us. we aren't together. i have feelings for him and i never told him, but he seems to have figured it out.

i turn and walk towards the bathroom to get away from the situation. i don't know what i was expecting. it's not like anything has ever happened between us. his personality is so captivating and i wish it wasn't. he means a lot more to me than i do to him, obviously.

i get stopped by kasey and she grabs my hand and says "let's just leave, an uber is already here. i called it when i told him where we were." i stood there shocked. she told him where we were? why? "why did you tell him? you knew i didn't want to see him." i was so upset and this didn't help. "i think he deserved to explain himself. even if it wasn't you who listened. you know how e! news is. it's mostly bull. i'm not excusing him though." i sighed. i'm not in the mood to argue. i just want to go home.

as we get in the uber tom catches up to us. he tells me all what he said to him. "he's really sorry liv.." says tom. "what is he sorry for? we were and are nothing. i shouldn't even be upset." i say as i get into the car.

authors note: this might suck 💖

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