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real life

olivia's pov:

  i finished curling my hair as i heard pounding on my door. smiling i said "kasey's here". i ran to answer the door and opened it to a smiling freak i call my best friend. at the same time we both exclaim "i missed you bitch!" kasey is like a sister to me. my other half. we catch up on how we've been for about 10 minutes then we get in her car and go.

  i am so excited to see tom. he's been busy filming a marvel movie that he hasn't been told the name of for obvious reasons, but he thinks it's because they want to surprise him. by the time we arrive at Nobu all i can think about is the amount of sushi i'm about to shove down my throat.

  20 minutes later we finally arrive. we pull up and see a small tom standing outside the restaurant waiting for us. "we have to scare him, it's a tradition." says kasey. "what do you want to do? do you want to go talk to him and i sneak up on him?" i ask. "perfect." says kasey.

  we finally got seated in the back of the restaurant. "so." says tom. "are you going to talk about harry liking your picture??" i started to think back to that day. there i was just sitting on my couch watching The Office and i got the notification.
instagram: @ harrystyles liked your post!

"i have peaked at 18 years old." was all i could say, still feeling a little speechless about the topic. it all felt so surreal. "do you guys want to know why i picked this place for us to eat tonight?" asked kasey. "harry comes here a lot. since he liked liv's post i've done a lot of research. he knows what you look like now. so if we were to run into him... he would know who you are."

  i just stared at her. of course i already knew that he likes to come here, but i feel as if she's just getting my hopes up.

  of course just as i was expecting nothing happened all night long.

authors note: okay this might have sucked. i don't know. remember this is my first time writing! peace.

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