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real life

tom's pov

we are taking liv to a concert.
"we're here." kasey says looking at me. we both look at liv in the back seat. she smiles at us but something in her eyes tells me she's a little confused. i would be too, we have been really vague about the concert. we go through an entrance that doesn't show who is performing or any merchandise.

we get to our seats which are on the floor against the barricade. the opening act comes on and i watch olivia smile. she loves music more than anything no matter what/who it is.


about a hour later the opening act exits the stage and we wait for the concert to start. i'm just as anxious to see liv's reaction as well as kasey. we don't know what she's going to do.

olivia's pov

a circular screen comes down around the stage. i'm excited to see who is performing. i've been in a haze for the past couple of weeks so i've gotten pretty good at zoning everyone out around me. something starts to play on the screen. a cartoon? it's hands. i recognize those hands. oh my god. out of the corner of my eye i see tom chewing on his lip. i look at kasey and she smiles at me and i slightly smile
back trying not to freak out. the music starts and the screen starts to move up. it's harry. they brought me to his concert. i completely forgot his concert was tonight. how was i so stupid to forget?

after a few miserable songs i'm ready to leave. i have been since i saw him. he kept looking at me and i try not to react.

"i have a song that i've been working on for a while now that i would like to share with you all. i've put a lot of work into it. the person who inspired me to write this is actually here today. i figure there is no other way to apologize for a misunderstanding and to tell that person how i feel than to sing it. like high school musical!" i roll my eyes and watch him look at his band to initiate the start of the song. i listen to the words in the beginning closely. i wonder if this is about kendall? it probably is.

and then the chorus comes on.

"please believe me, don't you see the things you mean to me? Oh i love you, i love you, i love, i love, i love Olivia.
i live for you, i long for you, Olivia. i've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia. i live for you, i long for you, Olivia.
don't let me go..
don't let me go...."

i feel like i'm about to pass out. i felt paralyzed. he stares at me intently the whole song. after he finishes the song he removes his guitar and hands it to mitch and then comes down the stairs in front of the stage and stands directly in front of me. i had no words. he knew how i felt. and he feels the same. i had tears in my eyes. suddenly i feel hands on me. i look down to see kasey and tom grabbing me trying to get me to climb over the barricade. i climb over and harry holds me. "i love you olivia. i have since we met. i needed to tell you. nothing has happened between kendall and i for ye-" i kiss him with all the energy i have. after a few seconds i pull back and i say "i believe you. i love you so much harry." i hold him like he's going to fade away. he had his hands in my hair like i was going to disappear.

i hear some applause and some sadness. i don't care for either. all i care about is the man holding me. he wrote a song for me. i feel all this weight lifted off of me. i would normally never just forgive someone so easily but i knew instantly what happened. tom and kasey would have never let this happen if harry actually did what i thought.

we gave each other many many plenty of mixed signals in the past but we never talked about it. i honestly didn't overthink it until i saw the article. that's when i realized that i love him.

i knew harry wasn't like that. he is my best friend. i know him. he respects the f uck out of women. he's probably the biggest feminist. even though we never told each other how we felt we knew. we both felt the connection between us. something has been there all along.

after the overly public kiss the security guards guided kasey, tom and i back stage. we watched the rest of the show from there. i'm so thankful my crazy best friends dragged me here. i'm so thankful for tonight. i will never forget it.


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