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real life

olivia's pov

i am so proud of harry. his tour is over and now i get to spend more time with him.

i look to my left and i see a sleeping harry. i roll over so that i lay on him. "wake up sleepy head" i say as i kiss his cheek. he looks so beautiful. "if i were up to this everyday i would never get out of bed" he says with a raspy voice as he smiles. then he kisses me. i could never get enough of his soft lips. kissing him is like it was the first time every time. there is sparks flying everywhere. he places he hand behind my head to deepen the kiss.

after a few seconds i pull away and get up "i'm going to make us some breakfast, what do you want?" i ask. he looks at me a frowns and says "for you to come back." i smile and blow him a kiss and walk into the kitchen. i make us toast, eggs, coffee for myself and tea for my british man.

harry comes out of the bedroom leans against the counter. "as much as i loved being on tour and seeing my fans i sure am excited to spend more time with you." he says looking at me with a big smile. he's so beautiful. how did i get so lucky? just to think it all started with kasey exposing me. that is the only time i will be grateful for her annoying self on instagram. "me too. i love you harry" i reply. i walk over to him and kiss him. "i love you olivia." he says into the kiss.

"let's go to the beach! i haven't been in so long." i say holding his hand as we sit on the couch watching Friends. "okay but only if we invite tom." he says.


liked by harrystyles, tchalamet, and 52,936 others—livpark: spent the whole day with my boo and i've never been happier

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liked by harrystyles, tchalamet, and 52,936 others

livpark: spent the whole day with my boo and i've never been happier

tagged: harrystyles

tomholland2013: hello i was there too

krazeykasey: ^ me too biTCH I EVEN TOOK THIS PICTURE

username1: this iS SO CUTE

username2: i love my parents

harrystyles: i love you very much

livpark: @ harrystyles i love you

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authors note: my head hurts ily

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