MONTGOMERY CAUTIOUSLY BALANCED THE LITTLE BOY sat happily on his shoulders, his restless hands tugging and pulling on the young man's brown hair. He giggled whenever Montgomery swayed under him then pretending to lose his hold on his body before holding him up again and on his shoulders. Grayson yelled for his Dad to do the same thing again and again, to be hoisted up and be feigned falling only for the young man to catch him and put him back to his broad shoulders.
Behind them, trailing a few feet away, watching with a distracted look held in her features, pushing a stroller subconsciously and miraculously not tripping on her own feet. Since Montgomery arrived that morning, she had been quiet and kept to herself, seemingly in a deep thought as they strolled under the remaining last scream of the summer heat. Montgomery didn't have to ask her to know if she was okay. He knew she wasn't. And he knew it has something to do with him, again. Montgomery felt dejected with the thought of him having himself the reason behind her distress. He also felt frustrated in himself; for having reached this far only for it to be ruined again. He was so close to having her back, now he wasn't entirely sure of himself.
Grayson looks past Montgomery's shoulder and stared at his mother. He tilts his head, as if sensing she was upset. He stretched out his hand as he reached for her, "Momma!"
"You want Mommy to hold you, big guy?" Montgomery asks with enthusiasm, booping the toddler gently on his button nose, earning a giggle. "You don't want Daddy holding you anymore?"
"I want Mommy." Grayson stated and continued to reach for Olivia.
Olivia snapped back to reality and plastered a grin for her child, she takes him from Monty's arms and held him by her hip. She places a sloppy kiss on the boy's cheek and he emits a groan, wiping away his cheek with his hand. Olivia gasped exaggeratedly, "You're too old and sick and tired of Mommy kissing you?"
Grayson nodded and Olivia remarked, "You're only one-year-old. You're still young and Mommy's still allowed to kiss you. Not until you're 47 and that's when you get to tell me not to!"
"Mmmh.. I'm two!" Grayson babbled, holding up four fingers and his parents laughed at his adorableness.
Olivia stalked down the pathwalk, cooing and smothering Grayson with kisses on his cheeks and this time, Montgomery was the one to trail behind the two, watching them fondly. He felt his chest warming with the sight of the his baby and the mother of his child.
Half an hour passed of them walking aimlessly with no desired destination, Grayson started squirming in Olivia's touch and he lets out a tiny cry, demanding to be let down in her hold. An agitated frown settled on his face, an expression he wear when he gets tired and wants to sleep. Olivia sets him down and strapped him in the stroller, giving him a bottle of milk. The little boy eagerly sucked on the end of the bottle, rubbing his eyes warily and it wouldn't take too long before he succumbs to sleep.
Montgomery smiled down on his child. The little boy never fails to make him feel so much love and adoration for him that the young man almost felt he would explode. He gazed at her carefully and cleared his throat awkwardly, Olivia meeting his eyes for a moment before she looks away. He broke the ice quietly, "So.. are we gonna talk about the other night?"
"What about it?"
Typical Olivia. She'd rather not have talked about something she was avoiding instead of addressing it. Montgomery had to be more tough on colliding head-on with the wall she was barricading herself with. "Obviously everything. Listen, I've already decided not to go to Vanderbilt, okay?"
"Clearly you're still so careless with finalizing your decisions." Olivia remarked sharply.
He retaliated, "And clearly you still refuse to listen to me!"
Fanfictionthe story where montgomery de la cruz didn't know he got his ex-girlfriend pregnant... that is, until she comes back with a baby in her arms. [ oc x montgomery de la cruz ] [ real life x social media ]