Hey, have a great day.
🌹Depression is a hard life,
No pain, no strife,
And every time you close your eyes at night,
All you feel is the instinct to fight,
So no, you will not sleep tonight,
Because you are so terrified of what you cannot see,
Can't understand,
Can't have,
And can't love.
So there will be no rest for you,
Not today,
Or the day after that.
Because the faces you know pierce through your bones
With every 'kind'
So here you are again,
Waiting for some one to save you.
But your are so blinded from this,
You forgot you pushed everyone away,
Rammed your horns of pain into their brains,
Making it clear you never want to see them again.
But you are still hurting inside.
And you've fed yourself these lies
that without this pain there will be no gain.
So yes,
Depression is a hard life.
No pain, no strife.
And every time she closes her eyes,
What she really wants to do is cry,
She never wanted to fight.
lemons 🍋 - a poetry book [✔completed]
Poésielemon /ˈlɛmən/ noun 🍋 A book of emotional poems that I have written. « highest rankings » 27|12|18- #75 in poetry 23|12|18- #1 in slampoetry 03|12|18- #8 in sadpoetry 19|10|18- #31 in slampoetry 29|11|18- #17 in slampoetry 04|12|18- #12 slampoetry