Kingdoms Of Zodia

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Fire Kingdom;

The current ruler of the Fire Kingdom is Queen Scarlett, mother of Princess Leona.  Queen Scarlett allied with the Air Kingom during the war. The war ended with the deaths her husband which made them realize just how many lives they're losing. Queen Scarlett was a very powerful ruler with much wealth. She raised her daughter to be astrong  warrior who must be loyal to those who they care for.

The Earth Kingdom;

The Earth Kingdom is ruled over by Queen Carla, mother of Princess Taurus. Queen Carla was allied with King Cane during the war. Carla was a very generous ruler and would give mercy to those who deserve it most. She tried to avoid as much fatalities as possible. She taught her children to keep peace but to speak for what they know is right.

Air Kingdom:

The Air kingdom is an unusual one with most of there kingdom in the mountains.

The Air Kingdom is ruled by King Leon who is the father of Princess Libra. The Air Kingdom originally planned to stay out of the war do to the mourning of their beloved queen who died because of an illness, but Queen Scarlett was like a little sister to Leon so he agreed to fight on her side. The Air people value the beautiful scenery they see everyday and are quite content with what they have. King Leon teaches his children to do just that. Love what you have. If you aren't satisified with what you have, you'll never be satisfied with what you get.

Water Kingdom;

The Water Kingdoms ruler is King Cane, the father of Princess Cancer. The Water Kingdom had The Earth Kingdom as an ally against Fire and Air. The Water people value there close community and friends and family and try to be grateful for the water supply they have. King Cane taught his children to fight for what they wish and to take want they want. He knows a thing or two about greed.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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