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they were losing well the others were shiro,keith,allura,coran and pidge were doing anything to get this finish doe pidge didnt want to kill the monsters since they are living thing pidge knew she had to so she kill hers after finding out the stomach was a weakness but had to get keith to help to everyone suprise he finish his monster first and did not look sorry unlike when shiro, allura and coran finish their monsters once they were finish they help the other doe keith did not do that straight away he kick his monster to make sure it was dead which the other found disgusting and shiro yell what was that and keith answer was reasonable which was i have to make it was dead what would happen if he was prenting.

shiro and allura  is helping hunk. pidge and keith are helping lance and they all finish but as the others were leaving pidge was behind keith who was in the back and out of no where pidge's monster got up and attack pidge but keith had hear him and throw his sword and one by one everyone expect shiro and keith's got up. the other were outside the area when they heard but the solider had close the gates leaving keith and pidge in there and smile hear the others plead him to open the gate.

keith had to slip past the monsters to get his sword out of the monster head and push it into its heart or where he think it might be and took it out then saw pidge using both keith knife and her own weapon and he put his sword into one of the monster back which kill it and start fight another with all his strength. strength he hadnt use in a very long time and he kill the monster and went for another one who was getting out pidge with another one but keith only stab one of them then he and pidge took the another down together.

but while they were walking away pidge went back for keith knife and keith forgot to check if that 3rd monster was dead and the monster got up and hit pidge which keith knife fell out of her hand and she yell "keith" 

keith turn and ran at the monster but it push him away and keith threw his sword beside pidge and she pick it up to denfend herself while keith got his knife. 

pidge saw the red bayard turning back to normal and she yell "keith" 

keith ran that the monster to attack but he saw what pidge was yelling for and keith saw someone throw the monster a sword a while back so he slow down and look at the monster and found the sword but the monster had seen where keith sight was on and grab the sword and it nearly hit pidge but keith had unlock the knife while running at the monster when seeing the monster put the sword into the air then he got pidge to hand him the bayard and he push it into the monster then grab pidge arm and ran out of the falling monster way.

everyone was silent and the others were let into the area and hunk and lance were screaming at keith but allura yell "be quiet "

"why" yell lance 

"because me,coran,shiro and pidge knew there was a possible of keith being part or some garla since the fact his mother gave his father a knife to gave to keith and keith was only a few weeks old and she was never in a photo so we did a lie dector keith had no idea if he had a garla mother or a halfbreed garla mother so we did ask him to tell everything about his life so no he had no idea if he was even a little part garla until he saw another with a samilar blade and that was a garla so can you blame him for keeping it a secret" yell allura 

"but still he should have told us" yell lance 

"he could not the knife belong to his mother who was apart of the blades and they said if he doesnt unlock it soon it will be taken from him" yell allura 

"don't lie "shout lance 

"its true" said shiro 

lance and hunk yell "what they can't take something really close to someone "

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