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Keith got out of the ship and look to see the others but they seem shock in a way.

"What "said Keith 

"Nothing" said lance then hunk cough" garla "

"Not" frown Keith 

"Guys I think we are going to far like 5 out of 7 knew about his blade" said Shiro 

"Yeah but garla are power hungry" said allura 

"You weren't saying that when you were defending him plus you did a lie dector he doesn't want power and why would he save me then" said pidge 

"Yeah but ...fine you have a point" said lance 

"He still didn't mention it before hand "said allura which start a argument that was pidge and Shiro and coran  against hunk,lance and allura 

"Keith you don't happen to know when they will stop arguing" ask kolivan 

"That can take days" smirk Keith with a laugh in it 

"Shout up at least our parents want us" yell lance after saying that he knew he over did it 

"Wow just wow" said Keith 

"Keith i am sorry" said lance 

"Why are you apologise to a garla" yell allura then something happen no one thought would ever happen allura punch Keith which made Keith angry and at that point he punch her and she went flying back 

"Keith "yell Shiro he went to attack Keith but some blades grab him 

"Allura I am soo sorry" said Keith 

"About What you freak" yell allura 

The other were about to say something but kolivan shout "enough" 

"You were the one who punch Keith and from what you told us he has a short temper so why in any state of mind did you think it was a good idea" growl Antok 

"Yeah and calling him a freak is out of line as well" said ulaz then putting a hand on Keith shoulder 

"So its my fault" growl allura 

"Who punch first you did and knowing there's a big chance of him punching of doing worst to you "said Thace 

"Well we are going so come on Keith" growl lance 

"I think its safer for both Keith and you guys to be separated "said kolivan 

"We need Voltron" shout allura 

"Voltron can only be use if palladian are in good terms right and are you guys on good terms with Keith really it's not Keith who has a problem so I don't think it would work" said kolivan 

"So where would he go" said pidge looking a little consurmted 

"Here and he probably be in a room for the whole time of you guys calming down" said kolivan 

"Fine" said allura then they left 

"Why" said Keith 

"Easy you did nothing wrong" said ulaz then he move away 

"I punch back" said Keith 

"True but when I was your age I did worst" said Antok 

"Are you guessing my age" ask Keith 

"No I ask Shiro he said you are 18" said Antok 

"Yeah I am" said Keith

"So we aren't guessing and beside if that was you angry I hate to see furious" said Antok 

"And which is why you said he would be in a room the whole time" said a blade 

"No he  isn't I just said it so they could leave plus they don't know us saving them out Keith in debt to us" said kolivan 

"Really so what are you going to do "ask a blade 

"Well Thace was the one who said he want something from Keith and I don't even know what it is" said kolivan looking from the blade to Thace 

"That my secret and can I borrow Keith" smile Thace 

"Why do I have I feeling he is going to kill me" said Keith 

"Your not going to kill him are you" ask Antok 

"Of course not doe with a couple of things he might die from something else" smile Thace 

"So I am going to die" said Keith 

"Yeah pretty much and follow me or would you rather the others" smile Thace walking away and Keith ran up to him and follow him.

When they got to a room it was a lab and Thace walk in  and Keith follow 

"This is my laboratory so don't touch anything "said Thace getting the first aid kit then nodded over to a dentist chair but as soon as Keith sat down on it. it was clear it was an experiment chair 

"Why do you have an experiment chair" ask Keith then he got push down into it and Thace was standing beside the chair with a needle and smiling 

Keith try to get up but was push back down 

"Keith you should have listen to antok when he said in a way behave "smirk thace then put the needle into keith which made him scream then once the liquid stop coming from the needle he pass out the last thing he heard was "your going to wish you gave up the knife" 

keith woke up in a black and grey room with purple lighting. he was in a bed and there was no signs of there ever been a needle put into him but he felt out of it.

the door open to reveal kolivan and keith just stare dagger into him but kolivan just walk to his side and sat down on the bed next to him and keith just look at him then remember something "your going to wish you gave up the knife "what was that suppose to mean 

kolivan reach to keith right arm and grab it and look at it then let it down.

"what" said keith 

"you can heal fast" said kolivan 

"it only happens with little things" said keith 

"well you might want to work on it because you are not going to be sitting around all day" said kolivan getting up 

"what" said keith 

kolivan throw clothes on the bed and told him to change into them and left 

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