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keith was sure, he was far enough and look around but hear something so he took out his blade and turn around but once he did he was kick backwards luckly stay on his feet. he look up to see antok of all people.

"well that was easy" said antok 

"shut up "growl keith then attack, of course he knew he couldnt beat antok but he was trying to make a plan and fight. 

he was losing but then antok said something that made him very angry, he said "i wonder how long it would take to kill the palladins if you are this weak" 

keith ran forward and disarm antok and put his blade to his throat but he noticed his fingers were like claws then he look in a window to see his refection, he had yellow where the white should be and two sharp teeth, his skin look like it was a bit purple then he saw others in the window it was kolivan,thace,ulaz,ilun and vrek they must have heard antok scream because now they were looking at the reflection of keith like it was another person so keith ran but didnt make it far before kolivan caught him and push him against the wall and said "keith its fine your back to normal" but keith was still trying to get out off his grip.

"keith does that happen sometimes "ask kolivan this made keith stop but he did not look at kolivan when he said "when i am really angry but it only happen less then 3 times so i just thought it was something my mother might have pass down or my father since i never seen him that angry or there was something wrong with me"

kolivan sigh and let keith go and said" you are really hard to read and figure out "

"is that a good thing" ask keith 

"in a way" answer kolivan then he grab keith wrist and start to pull keith back to the others but keith put his foot down and kolivan had to drag him which seem to lighten the others moods because ilun sound like she could when saying "you can put your foot down" 

"very funny its harder to drag him even doe he is light to pick up" said kolivan

"i think he is making it harder on proupres" smile thace

"no emontions" said vrek 

"we been showing them alot lastly" said antok 

"that what you get for hanging over the others" frown keith 

"oh yeah they said you were close off til they broke down your walls" said antok 

"only shiro bearly think of them as friends so yeah "frown keith 

"you gave me a scare i wonder why shiro didnt say anything about it" said antok 

"that because it only happens if i am really angry even then this is third or fourth time in my life and shiro doesnt know about it only father knew about it "said keith 

"oh well are we finishing the training thing" ask antok 

"no i think we have our answer "said thace

"which is "said vrek

"that we can use soliders in our training here" said thace

"well we better go" said antok 

"yep and keith i have your clothes in the ship so dont worry about that" said thace

keith nodded and follow them out ...'you got to be kidding me' thought keith as he walk through the back door which from what keith could tell they found keith face when finding out he could have went to the door on the end of the hall to get outside, funny 

they went back to the main base 

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