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keith put on the clothes and look in the mirror as he relise it was an mamora uniform 

"why would they give me this uniform i ......oh no" said keith 

 "keith are you done "said kolivan threw the door

"do you think the team has calm down "ask keith 

"no and i am coming in "said kolivan once he said that he open the door and came in 

"why did you give these to me" ask keith 

"no reason" smile kolivan

keith knew from the smile kolivan had given him that hell was about to break loose and he will be in the recesing end.

"there all ways a reason with you guys as far as i can tell" frown keith while putting up an eyebrow 

kolivan stop smiling and said "where do you think you are "

"that the blades main base why "answer keith making his eyebrow go down and was replace with an confuse expection 

"in a way yes its a base but not the main one in fact its a base we dont use ..."said kolivan then he smile and said" until now "

"why the uniform doe" said keith 

"well it makes you harder to see and fun to chase and fight "said kolivan 

"what" said keith he wasn't showing it but he was getting scared 

"what did you think thace meant "ask kolivan 

"i would be kill "said keith 

"yes your right in a way but its different in a way "said kolivan 

"how "ask keith 

"well we plan for a solider if we ever catch one in our base to do this training thing but thace found out about you having a simalir style to one and now you are a gunnine pig for this" smile kolivan 

"why is it you only show emontions so far when theres a change i will die "ask keith 

"oh that well i have a feeling this will be fun thats all" smile kolivan then grab keith wrist and pull him out of the room and down many hall ways until they came to an open space which had the way out but why would kolivan drag him here if he thought this was going to be fun then he saw thace,antok,ulaz and 2 blades which they both look female which was a suprise he notice one girl blade when he was first there and another when they land into the landing area but he never thought there would be more then one or two female garla.

"hi keith "smile thace walking towards them 

"i hate you" frown keith which made thace stop and said "what "

"i said i hate you are you deaf "frown keith 

the other blades start laughing even kolivan look like he could laugh 

"wow you can hold a grudge" said thace 

"how long was i out for "ask keith then he tap kolivan and point to his wrist which was still in kolivan grip and kolivan letted go 

"1 day why" said thace 

"okay i had a grudge against a bully which start when i was about 7 and a half and i am now 18 so  i am still holding a grudge you do the math on how long i can hold a grudge" said keith 

"your kidding 10 years" said thace 

"well in about 2 days i will be 18 and a half so nearly 11 years "said keith 

"oh god" said thace

"oh god what it doesnt mean i will hold it that long this time" said keith

"well you will after whats going to happen "said antok 

"that is" said keith

"you have a couple of seconds to run and we have to find you and the front door is lock so dont even try "said antok 

"great so i will die if you find me "said keith 

"no there will be a fight but i might kill you and definitely liun and vrek so yeah if you run into kolivan,ulaz and Thace you dont have to worry about dying "said Antok 

"That makes me feeling so much better "said Keith with sarcasm 

"Your welcome" said Antok 

"I pretty sure that was sarcasm "said ilun or vrek 

"Wow you can be wrong  Ilun" said Antok 

"No she is right you seriously think that would make me feel better" said Keith 

Ilun laugh and Antok said" just ran and hide "which was what Keith did and once he heard "here we come". He still ran as fast and quiet as he could 

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