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Its been 1 weeks since the marmora start taking one per night and the other were toutre on where they were but Keith only knew where the others went and he told nothing to the blades so he was sure they would leave him and let the others figure out how to save him.

Keith had been put in the area everyday and came out with only one or two scratch because the other were in trouble and he use his full abilities so he was a popular prisoner.

Keith felt something shaking his shoulder and he woke up and grab his knife and put it on the person neck.

"Well that's a nice way to thank the person who is about to save you" said one of the mask people who Keith realise it was Antok 

"I thought you guys would leave me here since I gave you nothing" frown Keith sitting up 

"Oh trust me what I have in mind will balance what debt you have to us" said another who Keith knew was kolivan 

"Well come on" said Antok then grab Keith wrist and pull him 

"What about our things "ask Keith 

"Someone are getting it now come on" said kolivan 

Keith follow Antok and kolivan to their ship to see their stuff and two people one was Thace 

"So you made it "smirk the other man 

"Ulaz this is Keith and they were more solider then we thought" said kolivan sitting down as the ship went up 

Keith just lean on the wall but after a few moment Antok said "we don't bite "

Keith look at him then his  right  eyebrow up as to say I doubt it then he look at the other wall again. After about a minutes Antok said "so the palladins wouldn't tell us anything so" 

"Depends on what your asking" answer Keith still not looking at him 

"Fine "sigh Antok 

"You don't know if I wouldn't tell you" said Keith slightly looking at him 

"True but I don't want to get my hopes up "sigh Antok

"Can you a least tell me what you were going to" ask said keith 

"Sure I was going to ask how did you find the lions so yeah "said Antok 

"Oh that we found the blue lion who took us into space then we were each sent to find our lions I know the yellow lion was found in a mine and green I think was found in a forest under ground and red was found in a garla ship and black was hidden in the castle" said Keith

"Oh you mean would answer some question I thought you were just going to say like hell am I going to answer that "said Antok sounding surprise 

"It nothing really that question only a little one "said Keith 

"Oh well then I ask you something" said Antok 

"Sure" said Keith 

"Well its more of a favor" said Antok 

"Okay" said Keith looking at Antok 

"Will you sit down because when ulaz lands its not the best and I have a feeling if I didn't put it as a favor then you might not sit down "said Antok 

"Fine and you could have told me he was bad at landing instead of leaving yourself open to anything I want out of you" said Keith while sitting down 

"Great "mumble Antok which made Keith smile and said "how is the others "

"Hmm oh they are fine ask to leave but we said you weren't back and they just frown and went to their rooms" said Antok 

"They hate garla "sigh Keith 

"What that got to do with you "said kolivan 

"After the fight they begin reminding me that I was half garla" sigh Keith not looking that any of them 

"Seriously why" said Antok 

"I am sure if it wasn't for the lie decteor being use on me I am sure I would be dead" said Keith 

"Your kidding your nothing like us ..no offence" said ulaz 

"None taken and I have a temper and if I get really mad my eyes goes how did Shiro put it oh yeah cat like "said Keith 

"What "said Thace 

"My eyes goes kinda like a cats  eyes  and white turns yellow not glow doe just yellow" sigh keith putting his head on the wall beside him 

"Oh yeah I seen a cat anyways you don't get that angry a lot" said Thace 

"Nope but they are under impression I like power doe I didn't ask to be a palladian" said Keith 

"We aren't getting to the base anytime soon so why don't you get some sleep" said Thace 

"Yeah you look terrible "said Antok then kolivan push his elbow into his side and said "no offence "

"None taken and I have nightmares a lot so its probably that "said Keith 

"Well we can deal with it you need sleep "said Antok 

Keith went to sleep but he had a nightmare and he was awaken by the blades 

"Sorry" said Keith 

"Sorry sorry you scare us which is hard to do "said Antok 

"That's why I am sorry I should have stay awake "said Keith 

"No you need sleep and is it always this had" said Thace 

"Sometimes and sometimes worst "said Keith then noticed he was cover in sweat

"We are nearly there so please if you do go to sleep don't scare us "said kolivan but had a worry face he must have taken off his mask while he was asleep 

"Kolivan he can't help it "said Thace 

"I know just saying and Keith don't forget that you now have a big debt "said kolivan 

They all sat down but Keith noticed Antok was slowing moving beside he then when he was he whisper to Keith "be careful on what you do or else the debt will never be gone "then he move slowly back to where he was sitting before 

Keith wonder what he meant and he was about to find out what he meant 

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