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Uachi intercepted Matei on his way to Kaori's parlor, looking grim, but that was nothing out of the ordinary for the head ranger of Hanpe. His job in the forest village had been to patrol the perimeter of the rebels' encampment, quietly dealing with issues that might threaten their safety. His vigilance had ensured the peace of those who lived there, enabling the people of Hanpe to focus on other things—things like securing their food supply, managing life in their settlement, and yes, preparing for war.

Here in the capitol, Uachi was out of place. His dark clothes, his constant scowl, and his brooding presence made him a pewter mug in a porcelain tea set, and the huge shadowcat trailing in his footsteps—his pet, Farra—did not make him more approachable. Matei knew Uachi did not like being in Karelin, and he had known since the skirmishes ended in the Holy City that the day would soon come when Uachi would request to be released from his duties so he could move back home to the Duskwood. When he saw the look in Uachi's eye, he suspected that day had come.

Matei did not like to command people. He had seen through experience how much more efficiently and effectively work could be done when people were self-guided, so he preferred his men to largely govern themselves. But he needed Uachi in the capitol. He did not relish the conversation he knew lay ahead. He drew to a stop, allowing Uachi to catch up with him.

"You will be glad to know that the Arcborn quarter is no longer on fire," said Uachi by way of greeting.

Matei gestured as he began to walk again, inviting Uachi to accompany him; Farra fell into step behind the two men. "How is it there?" Matei asked.

"The people are weary. Many of them have lost their homes; they gather in the houses of friends or sleep in the streets. There is not enough food to go around. The markets are not open, and many of the merchants who sell to the Arcborn have lost all they have."

"And the wounded?"

"Dozens. They have set up wards for the wounded in a carriage house, but they do not have enough medicine or bandages."

"And the dead?"

"Lain out in their shrouds in the dozens. There are not enough men to dig the graves."

The image of lines of shrouded corpses was not too difficult for Matei to imagine; he had seen a similar sight after the Battle of Hanpe, and before that, there had been other battles, other dead. He added this newest concern to the list of problems he had to grapple with as he came into leadership of Karelin. "How is it with the city guard, Uachi?"

The ranger shook his head. "I couldn't say. Half of them are out in the streets helping where it is needful; the others have dissolved into the city. I know not how many men the Corpsemaker had to hand, but I can tell you there are not many left."

"Their leaders?"

"I can't get a straight answer."

Matei reflected. "Perhaps we can rely on Master Eovin for help.I should think he knows the palace better than any of us, given his role as an intermediary in the rebellion."

"Is that where you're going now?"

"No—I'm going to speak with my brother. I want to understand what he expects to happen over the next few days, and to get his help with transitioning leadership, if that is what he still wants."

"Are you going to wear a pretty crown, Your Grace?" Uachi asked with a cynical twist of his lips.

Matei chuckled. "I would say 'no,' my friend, but to be honest, it is not my decision. I have given all of this a great deal of thought, and still not nearly the consideration it deserve. What I've realized is that I'll need to choose the battles I'll fight. There is a way things are done here in the Holy City. We are not talking about an encampment hidden in the woods; we're talking about an empire. It will be difficult enough for me to become the ruler I must be here. I expect immense resistance. If wearing a pretty crown will help people see me as a leader they can come to accept, well, I suppose I shall have to do it."

Uachi rolled his eyes. "You know me by now, I hope, Matei. I won't have patience for all of this nonsense."

"I'll find a place for you, Uachi."

"Back in Hanpe."

Ah; so here it was. Matei had thought he might have escaped this conversation for the day, but nothing could be easy. Kaori's door was just ahead, standing slightly ajar. Matei came to a stop and turned to Uachi. "I need you here."

"You don't need me. You will have hundreds of people ready to kiss your toes and do all of that damnable nonsense. If you keep me here, you'll end with me in your dungeon for treason."

"And you know me better than that by now, I should hope. No, Uachi; there is no one in this world who will give me the gift of brutal honesty. Goddess knows I shall need it now as I never did before. And I need someone I can trust to rally the Arcborn soldiers here. We will need to organize swiftly and maintain order. I do not yet know if I can trust the city guard, and what remains of the emperor's army I certainly cannot trust."

His expression stony, Uachi made no comment.

"Please, my friend. We can talk more on this later, but I need you. I could not lead Hanpe without you; I could certainly not do this without you."

Uachi looked at Matei for a long moment, wearing his ever-present frown. Finally, he said, "Starborn bastard."

But Matei saw the resigned amusement in Uachi's eyes. He smiled. "Not the kindest thing I've ever been called, but wholly accurate, I'm afraid. I will speak with Kaori and Eovin this morning. In the meantime, take a few men to the kitchens of the palace. Whatever is there, take to the people. Leave enough here for today and tomorrow only. If our people go hungry, so do we."

Uachi nodded and, without waiting for a formal dismissal, he left, Farra a silent shadow at his heel.

Well, I am personally very glad to know the Arcborn Quarter is no longer on fire

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Well, I am personally very glad to know the Arcborn Quarter is no longer on fire.

Also, Uachi's back again! I know not everyone liked him in Blood-Bound...Okay, okay, very few people liked him.

Okay, so no one liked him. >_>

I hope he behaves himself in this sequel. He needs to make some friends!

On Friday, we'll get to be flies on the wall in this private chat between Matei and Kaori!

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